

  1. Open MantidPlot script Editor, File > “Open” and browse to the Python script “TempInGroup.py” found in the TrainingCourseData.
  2. Run this by clicking Execute > “Execute All”
  3. Note you have produced a WorkspaceGroup TestGroup that contains 10 workspaces with sample log values. Advanced plotting is used to compare multiple workspaces.

Exercise 1

  1. Right click on the workspace TestGroup
  2. Select “Plot Advanced …”
  3. Enter Spectrum Number 6
  4. Select “Plot Type” of “Waterfall”
  5. In “Log value to plot against” select “Temp”.
  6. Press “OK”

and the Temperature log appears in the legend:


Exercise 2

  1. Again right-click on TestGroup, select Plot advanced and fill in as shown above
  2. Press “OK”

Then one gets the following with custom log “Square” shown on an axis:


Note a Custom Log is like giving a number value to each Workspace within a Group