Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
OutputWorkspace | Output | Workspace | The output workspace containing the 2D reduced data. | |
OutputJoinedWorkspace | Output | Workspace | The output workspace containing all the reduced data, before grouping. | |
SampleRuns | Input | list of str lists | Mandatory | Sample run(s). Allowed values: [‘nxs’] |
AbsorberRuns | Input | list of str lists | Absorber (Cd/B4C) run(s). Allowed values: [‘nxs’] | |
ContainerRuns | Input | list of str lists | Empty container run(s). Allowed values: [‘nxs’] | |
SensitivityMap | Input | string | File containing the map of relative detector efficiencies. Allowed values: [‘nxs’] | |
DefaultMaskFile | Input | string | File containing the default mask to be applied to all the detector configurations. Allowed values: [‘nxs’] | |
NormaliseBy | Input | string | Timer | Choose the normalisation type. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Timer’, ‘Monitor’] |
Observable | Input | string | Omega.value | Parameter from the sample logs along which the scan is made |
PixelYMin | Input | number | 140 | Minimal y-index taken in the integration |
PixelYMax | Input | number | 180 | Maximal y-index taken in the integration |
Wavelength | Input | number | 0 | Wavelength of the experiment. Will try to read Nexus files if not provided. |
This algorithm allows the integration of data along a parameter. It has been designed for D16 along the Omega axis, but it can normally be applied to other instruments and techniques. Given a series of files with a parameter varying, this algorithm performs usual reduction for SANS detectors, and then produces a 2D ouput, with the x-axis being the x-axis of the detector, and the y-axis the parameter used for the scan. The data is thus the sum of each column of pixels of the detector, stacked one above the others and sorted by the integration parameter. The OutputJoinedWorkspace contains, if asked for, the reduced data on one workspace, along the axis defined by the parameter.
Example - full treatment of a sample
# reduce part of an omega scan on D16.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | ILL\SANS | ILL\Auto
Python: SANSILLParameterScan.py (last modified: 2020-07-31)