
SCDCalibratePanels v2


SCDCalibratePanels dialog.


Panel parameters and L1 are optimized to minimize errors between theoretical and actual q values for the peaks


Name Direction Type Default Description
PeakWorkspace Input IPeaksWorkspace Mandatory Workspace of Indexed Peaks
RecalculateUB Input boolean True Recalculate UB matrix using given lattice constants
a Input number Optional Lattice Parameter a (Leave empty to use lattice constants in peaks workspace)
b Input number Optional Lattice Parameter b (Leave empty to use lattice constants in peaks workspace)
c Input number Optional Lattice Parameter c (Leave empty to use lattice constants in peaks workspace)
alpha Input number Optional Lattice Parameter alpha in degrees (Leave empty to use lattice constants in peaks workspace)
beta Input number Optional Lattice Parameter beta in degrees (Leave empty to use lattice constants in peaks workspace)
gamma Input number Optional Lattice Parameter gamma in degrees (Leave empty to use lattice constants in peaks workspace)
CalibrateT0 Input boolean False Calibrate the T0 (initial TOF)
CalibrateL1 Input boolean True Change the L1(source to sample) distance
CalibrateBanks Input boolean True Calibrate position and orientation of each bank.
OutputWorkspace Output TableWorkspace Mandatory The workspace containing the calibration table.
DetCalFilename Input string SCDCalibrate2.DetCal Path to an ISAW-style .detcal file to save. Allowed extensions: [‘.detcal’, ‘.det_cal’]
XmlFilename Input string SCDCalibrate2.xml Path to an Mantid .xml description(for LoadParameterFile) file to save. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
CSVFilename Input string SCDCalibrate2.csv Path to an .csv file which contains the Calibration Table. Allowed extensions: [‘.csv’]
ToleranceOfTranslation Input number 0.0005 Translations in meters found below this value will be set to 0
ToleranceOfReorientation Input number 0.05 Reorientation (rotation) angles in degree found below this value will be set to 0
TranslationSearchRadius Input number 0.05 This is the search radius when calibrating component translations using optimization. For CORELLI instrument, most panels will shift within 5cm, therefore the search radius is set to 5e-2.
RotationSearchRadius Input number 5 This is the search radius when calibrating component orientations using optimization. For CORELLI instrument, most panels will wobble within 5 degrees, therefore the default values is set to 5 here.
SourceShiftSearchRadius Input number 0.1 This is the search radius when calibrating source shift, L1, using optimization. For CORELLI instrument, the source shift is often within 10 cm, therefore the default value is set to 0.1.
VerboseOutput Input boolean False Toggle of child algorithm console output.


This calibration algorithm is developed for CORELLI type instrument (pack of tubes). The calibration targets includes L_1 (source to sample distance in meters), panel position (in meters) and orientation (as angle-axis pairs, in degrees), as well as initial TOF offset (not fully implemented yet). The underlining mechanism of this calibration is to match the measured Q vectors (Q_{sample}) with the those generated from tweaked instrument position and orientation, i.e.

\[\begin{split}\left\vert 2\pi \rm U \rm B \left( \begin{array}{c} NINT(h_i) \\ NINT(k_i) \\ NINT(l_i) \\ \end{array} \right) - \rm Q_{sample,i}(p) \right\vert ^2\end{split}\]

where NINT is the nearest integer function. To improve the speed of calibration of the whole instrument, openMP was used for calibration of banks (panels), which can unfortunately leads to out-of-order console logs. By default, the initial TOF (time of flight) is optimized if the corresponding option is set to true, followed by the calibration of L1 as well as all Panels if requested. If the users are not familiar with the instrument, the options in the advanced control group should be left untouched as tweaking these paramters can drastically affect the constrained optimization used under-the-hood.


# necessary import
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid.geometry import CrystalStructure

# generate synthetic testing data
def convert(dictionary):
    return namedtuple('GenericDict', dictionary.keys())(**dictionary)

# lattice constant for Si
# data from Mantid web documentation
lc_silicon = {
    "a": 5.431,  # A
    "b": 5.431,  # A
    "c": 5.431,  # A
    "alpha": 90,  # deg
    "beta": 90,  # deg
    "gamma": 90,  # deg
silicon = convert(lc_silicon)
cs_silicon = CrystalStructure(
    f"{silicon.a} {silicon.b} {silicon.c}",
    "F d -3 m",
    "Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05",

# Generate simulated workspace for CORELLI
cws = mtd['cws']

# Set the UB matrix for the sample
# u, v is the critical part, we can start with the
# ideal position
    u='1,0,0',  # vector along k_i, when goniometer is at 0
    v='0,1,0',  # in-plane vector normal to k_i, when goniometer is at 0

# set the crystal structure for virtual workspace

# tweak L1
dL1 = 1.414e-2  # 1.414cm
    'X'=0, 'Y'=0, 'Z'=dL1,

# Generate predicted peak workspace
dspacings = convert({'min': 1.0, 'max': 10.0})
wavelengths = convert({'min': 0.8, 'max': 2.9})

# Collect peaks over a range of omegas
omegas = range(0, 180, 3)

for omega in tqdm(omegas):

        ReflectionCondition='All-face centred',


pws = mtd['pws']

# move the source back to make PWS forget the answer
    'X'=0, 'Y'=0, 'Z'=-dL1,

# run the calibration on pws
# similar to actual calibration, where
#   1. the peaks in side pws knows the correct L1, but info is embeded in Qsamples
#   2. the recored L1 in instrument Info is the default engineering value

This calibration should be able to correct the L1 recorded in the instrument info using the information embeded in all peaks.

Future Development

This algorithm is a work-in-progress as the development team as well as the instrument scientists are working on the following targets:

  1. Fix the current T0 (initial TOF offset) calibration issue for synthetic data where a constant zero offset was found regardless of the actual prescirbed T0.
  2. The original (version 1) SCDCalibratePanels can also support TOPAZ, which consists of multi-panels banks. It is imporant for the new version of SCDCalibratePanels to provide similar support.
  3. In the current implementation, the calibration results are recorded as the absolute position and orientation of each component, which does not provide an intuitive representation of the calibration outcome. Per instrument scientists’ request, a debug-type output where additional information will be provided in a CSV file, including but not limited to
    1. Relative translation and rotation with respect to the engineering position of each component.
    2. The optimization benchmark and ChiSquare for each component.
    3. The original ISAW app also provide some plots that assist the visualization of calibration results, which could be useful as part of the debug output.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Crystal\Corrections


C++ header: SCDCalibratePanels2.h (last modified: 2021-03-31)

C++ source: SCDCalibratePanels2.cpp (last modified: 2021-04-01)