Algorithm Contents
Mantid contains many algorithms for loading, saving and performing operations on a wide variety of data. The categories below should help you find the algorithm you need. To help with ensuring the Algorithms are found in the most sensible places, they can be in more than one category. If you prefer to search, or know the name you can use the Algorithms Index.
General Algorithms
- Arithmetic
Generic mathematical operations on workspaces, including fast fourier transforms.
- CorrectionFunctions
Various correction functions including absorption and multiple scattering corrections.
- DataHandling
For loading and saving data from a wide variety of formats.
- Deprecated
Algorithms in this category are planned for removal in future releases, alternatives are in the algorithm pages.
- Diagnostics
Algorithms for performing diagnostics on workspaces.
- Events
Algorithms for manipulating event based data, including filtering, compressing and sorting event workspaces.
- Examples
- MDAlgorithms
Algorithms for creating and manipulating multi-dimensional workspaces.
- Optimization
Support for fitting splines, peaks and other models to data. Including peak finding, as stripping peaks from data.
- PythonAlgorithms
- Remote
Support for launching job on remote computing resources.
- Sample
Sample shape and material definition, manipulation and sample transmission calculation.
- Simulation
Algorithms to load and operate on data from external simulation packages.
- Transforms
Algorithms for transforming data and other workspace axes such as axes, grouping, masking rebinning, units etc.
- Utility
Various algorithms for operations like cloning, deleting, renaming and comparing workspaces, extracting monitors and generating python from a workspace.
- Workflow
Internal algorithms decribing complete, and partial workflows for data. Most of these are not planned for direct use by users.
Technique Specific Algorithms
- Crystal
Algorithms specifically for single crystal experiments.
- Diffraction
Algorithms to support single crystal, powder and total diffraction.
- Inelastic
Algorithms to support direct and indirect neutron spectroscopy.
- Muon
- Reflectometry
Facility Specific Algorithms
Complete Index: Algorithms Index