


ZF KuboToyabe when B = 0. A damped cosine precession when \(B_int>0\) .

When B = 0,

\[A(t)= A_0\left(\frac{1}{3}+\frac{2}{3}\cos(g_\mu B_0t)e^{-\sigma^2 t^2+\frac{2}{5}\Delta^2 t^2}\right) .\]

When \(B > 0\) ,

\[A(t) = A_0\left(\frac13+\frac23(1-(\Delta t)^2)e^{-(\Delta t)^2/2}\right)\]


\(A_0\) is the amplitude,

\(\sigma\) (MHz) is the gaussian relaxation rate,

\(B_0\) (G) is the gaussian relaxation rate,

and \(\Delta\) is the relaxation rate of the extra term when \(B>0\) .

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Properties (fitting parameters)

Name Default Description
A0 0.2 Amplitude
KTdelta 0.1 KT Relaxation rate
B0 10.0 Local Magnetic Field (G)
Gauss 0.2 Gaussian relaxation rate


Python: CompositePCRmagnet.py (last modified: 2020-03-20)