
Plotting Window


The plotting window displays the data specified by the tabs within the interface. This data can be displayed as a single plot, or as tiled plots, where each tile corresponds to either a Group/pair or a run. By default this plot window is docked to the right-hand side of the main interface window, but can be undocked by double-clicking on the title bar of the window.

The workspaces plotted in the figure depends on the tab which is currently being viewed:

  • If the user is on the Home, Grouping or Phase table tabs the workspaces corresponding to the loaded runs and selected groups are plotted.
  • If the user is on the fitting tab, the workspace displayed in the workspace selection box is plotted.
  • If the user is on the sequential the plotted workspace is controlled through the table present in this tab.

Plotting Controls

The plotting can be controlled through serveral options:

Plot type Changes the plot type (e.g from asymmetry to counts).

Tiled plotting The ‘tile plots by’ checkbox enables tiled plotting, which can be performed over runs or Groups/pairs.

Plot raw Plot raw controls whether the raw or rebinned workspaces are plotted.


Plotting Options


Subplot Selector Which axis to change the options for.

x-Range Sets the x-limits for the selected axes.

Autoscale Autoscales the y-axis based on the x-limits.

y-Range Sets the y-limits for the selected axes.

Errors Whether to display errors for the workspaces plotted on the selected axes.

Muon Analysis Frequency Domain Analysis