Indirect Inelastic Changes
- IndirectDiffScan to improve diffraction reduction workflow. Runs a diffraction reduction in diffspec mode with several parameters at fixed values.
- A new algorithm IndirectSampleChanger was added to work with the sample changer for IRIS
- Now sorts the x axis before rebinning
- The range selector for resolution files is now dependent on the range of the spectrum, not the limit in the IPF
- The polygon option has been removed and the default method is NormalisedPolygon
- All FABADA minimizer options are now accessible from the function browser.
- The Delta Function option can now be used with StretchedExpFT mode
- Bayes interfaces have the functionality to plot the current preview in the miniplot
- OSIRIS diffraction now rebins container workspaces to match the sample workspace
- ISISIndirectDiffractionReduction now fully supports VESUVIO data
- Inelastic pixel ID’s in BASIS instrument definition file grouped into continuous physical pixels.
- Reduced number of workspaces produced by VESUVIO scripts
- Added SortXAxis to Bayes Quasi and Stretch
- Removed error bars as default
- The Diffraction Interface no longer crashes when in OSIRIS diffonly mode
- Abins: fix setting very small off-diagonal elements of b tensors
- Fix errors from calling Rebin from VisionReduction.
- Fixed validation of inputs in CalculatePaalmanPings
- IN16_Definition.xml has been updated with a Monitor ID change from 19 to 29 to fix a duplicate identity issue
Full list of changes on GitHub