UI & Usability Changes
- Shortcuts to launch an IPython console or IPython notebooks using
Mantid’s Python environment are created in the start menu and on the
desktop when MantidPlot is installed.
- Applications to launch an IPython console or IPython notebooks using
Mantid’s Python environment can optionally be installed with
MantidPlot on OS X.
- HKL and Q can be displayed in the MantidPlot table and also in the
SliceViewer and VSI plots with the opposite signs if
Q.convention=Crystallography is set Mantid.user.properties or
Crystallography Convention is checked in Preferences.
LoadMD will convert old MD files when using Crystallography
convention (kf-ki) if they were saved in the default convention
(ki-kf). The convention used for MDWorkspaces and PeaksWorkspaces
will be displayed when the workspace is right-clicked.
The new ChangeQConvention algorithm should only be used on MD
workspaces that contain only Q or HKL dimensions. If there are other
dimensions, user should still run this algorithm (so that the
convention flag is changed), but then run TransformMD with -1 for the
non-Q dimensions.
- Plot MD plots now show a context menu option to change the type of
normalization (volume/none/number of events).
- The VSI has been updated to use ParaView v5.0.0, which includes
changes to the color/opacity presets and a rewritten OpenGL v3.2
rendering engine.
- The Viridis colormap is available in the VSI.
- A new right-click option on WorkspaceGroups enables a 3D surface or
contour plot to quickly be generated from groups. Data from each
workspace in the group can be plotted against workspace index or any
numeric, single-valued log value (for example temperature, magnetic
field…) If the desired data has not been added to the workspaces as
a log, it can be supplied manually in the dialog (or added using the
AddSampleLog algorithm).
- ColorFill plots and SliceViewer now use the global option set under
View/Preferences/2D Plots/Autoscale to determine whether or not the
color scale will be reset every time the data is updated. This
enables turning the option off when these tools are being used to
view live data. A checkbox has been added to the SliceViewer to
control this option on a plot-by-plot basis as well.
- The scripting window now allows soft line wrapping of text which can
be toggled on and off.
- The help pages for all of the workspace types, together with the
instrument, sample and run objects have been improved and now contain
a collection of automatically tested Python usage examples. This will
be available in both the online
and offline help pages.
- We have improved the way category links work at the bottom of the
Algorithm help pages, so they handle subcategories much better.
- The documentation pages for MoveInstrumentComponent and
RotateInstrumentComponent have been improved and pictures have been
added to describe the effects on ComponentAssemblies (components made
up of other components) such as tubes or banks.
- Latex equations are once again being generated in the Qt Help on OS
- When viewing an MDEventWorkspace, the Axes Grid is now visible.
- When duplicating a window (Graph, Color Fill plot or table), the data
is now copied into the newly duplicated window.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a crash when trying to “List Data” from
a large MDEventWorkspace.
- Default normalization for MDWorkspaces is automatically chosen. This
makes the SliceViewer consistent with the Vates Simple Interface 3D
- Automatic rescaling of the color scale when data is reloaded can be
turned off using a new checkbox. The default for this option can be
set in View/Preferences/2D Plots/Autoscale.
- Fixed bug that caused integration radius of peaks in the SliceViewer
to be plotted incorrectly.
Full list of GUI
changes on github