Basic Python Exercises
- Here we will try some exercises to get to grips with the basics of
Exercise 1
- Write a program that prints out the square of the first 20 integers
in a block such that the block is a rectangle of size 4x5. (Hint: One
method uses the
(modulo) operator to test if a number is a
multiple of another number. The answer is the remainder of the
division of the lhs into whole parts, e.g. 4 % 1 = 0, 4 % 2 = 0, 4 %
3 = 1, 4 % 4 = 0)
Exercise 2
- Write a program that prints out the first 25 Fibonacci numbers. (The
Fibonacci sequence starts as with
and next number is the sum
of the two previous numbers)
- Extend the program to also print the ratio of successive numbers
of the sequence.