

Exercise 1

  1. Load the EventWorkspace HYS_11388_event.nxs
  2. Sum across each spectra in the workspace using the SumSpectra algorithm. Set the OutputWorkspace to be called Sum
  3. Rebin this grouped workspace, specify OutputWorkspace to binned and that the bin width is 100 microseconds, and keep PreserveEvents ticked
  4. Right-click the workspace called binned and choose the Plot Spectrum option. Once the graph is plotted, leave do not delete it
  5. Events in an EventWorkspace may get filtered according to other recorded events during the experiments. At perhaps the simplest level you can filter out events between specific times. Use FilterByTime v1 for this. It has a parameter called StartTime, which is the start time, in seconds, since the start of the run. Events before this time are filtered out. Run FilterByTime on binned with StartTime=4000 and call the OutputWorkspace FilteredByTime
  6. Drag the workspace FilteredByTime into the plot where workspace binned is plotted. What you should see now is:

Show the History of the FilteredByTime workspace, which should match the steps above.

Exercise 2

  1. Using the binned workspace from the previous example as the InputWorkspace, use FilterByLogValue with LogName=proton_charge, MinimumValue=17600000, MaximumValue=17890000
  2. Overplot the OutputWorkspace over your existing plots from the previous example
  3. Run FilterBadPulses with InputWorkspace=binned and LowerCutoff=99.999
  4. Overplot the OutputWorkspace over your existing plots

Exercise 3 - now you choose the OutputWorkspace names!

  1. Load HYS_11388_event.nxs as in Exercise 1, but this time perform the filtering as part of the Loading, by setting FilterByTimeStart=4000
  2. SumSpectra on your new workspace
  3. Use RebinToWorkspace to achieve the same binning as the existing binned workspace
  4. Plot both your newly rebinned workspace and FilteredByTime created in exercise 1 on a new plot.