Table of Contents
This algorithm runs the Fortran QLines programs which fits a Delta function of amplitude 0 and Lorentzians of amplitude A(j) and HWHM W(j) where j=1,2,3. The whole function is then convolved with the resolution function.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
Program | Input | string | QL | The type of program to run (either QL or QSe). Allowed values: [‘QL’, ‘QSe’] |
SampleWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Name of the Sample input Workspace |
ResolutionWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Name of the resolution input Workspace |
ResNormWorkspace | Input | WorkspaceGroup | Name of the ResNorm input Workspace | |
MinRange | Input | number | -0.2 | The start of the fit range. Default=-0.2 |
MaxRange | Input | number | 0.2 | The end of the fit range. Default=0.2 |
SampleBins | Input | number | 1 | The number of sample bins |
ResolutionBins | Input | number | 1 | The number of resolution bins |
Elastic | Input | boolean | True | Fit option for using the elastic peak |
Background | Input | string | Flat | Fit option for the type of background. Allowed values: [‘Sloping’, ‘Flat’, ‘Zero’] |
FixedWidth | Input | boolean | True | Fit option for using FixedWidth |
UseResNorm | Input | boolean | False | fit option for using ResNorm |
WidthFile | Input | string | The name of the fixedWidth file | |
Loop | Input | boolean | True | Switch Sequential fit On/Off |
OutputWorkspaceFit | Output | WorkspaceGroup | Mandatory | The name of the fit output workspaces |
OutputWorkspaceResult | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the result output workspaces |
OutputWorkspaceProb | Output | MatrixWorkspace | The name of the probability output workspaces |
This algorithm can only be run on windows due to f2py support and the underlying fortran code
The model that is being fitted is that of a delta-function (elastic component) of amplitude A(0) and Lorentzians of amplitude A(j) and HWHM W(j) where j=1,2,3. The whole function is then convolved with the resolution function. The -function and Lorentzians are intrinsically normalised to unity so that the amplitudes represent their integrated areas.
For a Lorentzian, the Fourier transform does the conversion: 1/(x2+δ2)⇔exp[−2π(δk)]. If x is identified with energy E and 2πk with t/ℏ where t is time then: 1/[E2+(ℏ/τ)2]⇔exp[−t/τ] and σ is identified with ℏ/τ. The program estimates the quasielastic components of each of the groups of spectra and requires the resolution file and optionally the normalisation file created by ResNorm.
For a Stretched Exponential, the choice of several Lorentzians is replaced with a single function with the shape : ψβ(x)⇔exp[−2π(σk)β]. This, in the energy to time FT transformation, is ψβ(E)⇔exp[−(t/τ)β]. So σ is identified with (2π)βℏ/τ. The model that is fitted is that of an elastic component and the stretched exponential and the program gives the best estimate for the β parameter and the width for each group of spectra.
Example - BayesQuasi
# Check OS support for F2Py
from IndirectImport import is_supported_f2py_platform
if is_supported_f2py_platform():
# Load in test data
sampleWs = Load('irs26176_graphite002_red.nxs')
resWs = Load('irs26173_graphite002_red.nxs')
# Run BayesQuasi algorithm
fit_ws, result_ws, prob_ws = BayesQuasi(Program='QL', SampleWorkspace=sampleWs, ResolutionWorkspace=resWs,
MinRange=-0.547607, MaxRange=0.543216, SampleBins=1, ResolutionBins=1,
Elastic=False, Background='Sloping', FixedWidth=False, UseResNorm=False,
WidthFile='', Loop=True)
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\MIDAS
Python: (last modified: 2020-03-27)