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CheckMantidVersion v1


CheckMantidVersion dialog.


Checks if there is a more recent version of Mantid available using the Github API


Name Direction Type Default Description
CurrentVersion Output string    
MostRecentVersion Output string    
IsNewVersionAvailable Output boolean   True if a newer version is available, otherwise false


Checks if a new release of Mantid is available using the Github API for inspecting the most recent release. In order to reduce API usage and optimise performance the request is sent with a “if-modified-since” header with the date of the current release.

This algorithm is run on asynchronously on start-up in release builds and official releases of Mantid. It only outputs messages to the logs and outpus properties, it does not change anything else.

If you want to disable the check on start-up add this to your file:

CheckMantidVersion.OnStartup = 0


Example - CheckMantidVersion

(current_version, most_recent_version, is_new_version_available)=CheckMantidVersion()
print("Current Version: {}".format(current_version))
print("Most Recent Version: {}".format(most_recent_version))
print("Is a newer version available? {}".format(is_new_version_available))


Current Version: ...
Most Recent Version: ...
Is a newer version available? ...

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Utility\Development


C++ header: CheckMantidVersion.h (last modified: 2021-03-31)

C++ source: CheckMantidVersion.cpp (last modified: 2021-06-07)