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ExportExperimentLog v1


ExportExperimentLog dialog.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Input workspace containing the sample log information.
OutputFilename Input string Mandatory Output file of the experiment log. Allowed extensions: [‘.txt, .csv’]
FileMode Input string append Optional to create a new file or append to an existing file. Allowed values: [‘append’, ‘fastappend’, ‘new’]
SampleLogNames Input str list   Sample log names.
SampleLogTitles Input str list   Log sample titles as file header.
SampleLogOperation Input str list   Operation on each log, including None (as no operation), min, max, average, sum and “0”.
FileFormat Input string tab Output file format. ‘tab’ format will insert a tab between 2 adjacent values; ‘comma’ will put a , instead. With this option, the posfix of the output file is .csv automatically. Allowed values: [‘tab’, ‘comma (csv)’]
OrderByTitle Input string   Log file will be ordered by the value of this title from low to high.
RemoveDuplicateRecord Input boolean False Coupled with OrderByTitle, duplicated record will be removed.
OverrideLogValue Input str list   List of paired strings as log title and value to override values from workspace.
TimeZone Input string America/New_York Allowed values: [‘UTC’, ‘America/New_York’, ‘Asia/Shanghai’, ‘Australia/Sydney’, ‘Europe/London’, ‘GMT+0’, ‘Europe/Paris’, ‘Europe/Copenhagen’]


Algorithm ExportExperimentLog obtains run information, sample information and sample log information from a MatrixWorkspace and write them to a csv file.

File Mode

There are 3 modes to write the experiment log file.

  1. “new”: A new file will be created with header line;
  • If a file with same name exists, then this file will be overwritten;

2. “appendfast”: A line of experiment log information will be appended to an existing file;

  • It is assumed that the log names given are exactly same as those in the file, as well as their order;
  • Input property SampleLogTitles will be ignored in this option;

3. “append”: A line of experiment log information will be appended to an existing file;

  • The algorithm will check whether the specified log file names, titles and their orders are exactly same as those in the file to append to;
  • If any difference is deteced, the old file will be renamed in the same directory. And a new file will be generated.

Missing Sample Logs

If there is any sample log specified in the properites but does not exist in the workspace, a zero float value will be put to the experiment log information line, as the preference of instrument scientist.

Sample Log Operation

If the type of a sample log is TimeSeriesProperty, it must be one of the following 5 types.

  • “min”: minimum TimeSeriesProperty’s values;
  • “max”: maximum TimeSeriesProperty’s values;
  • “average”: average of TimeSeriesProperty’s values;
  • “sum”: summation of TimeSeriesProperty’s values;
  • “0”: first value of TimeSeriesProperty’s value.

If the type of a sample log is string and in fact it is a string for time, then there will an option as

  • “localtime”: convert the time from UTC (default) to local time

Otherwise, there is no operation required. For example, log ‘duration’ or ‘run_number’ does not have any operation on its value. An empty string will serve for them in property ‘SampleLogOperation’.

File format

There are two types of output file formats that are supported. They are csv (comma separated) file and tsv (tab separated) file. The csv file must have an extension as “.csv”. If a user gives the name of a log file, which is in csv format, does not have an extension as .csv, the algorithm will correct it automatically.

Time Zone

The time stamps of sample logs are recorded as UTC time. Some users wants to see the exported sample log as the neutron facility’s local time. So the input property ‘TimeZone’ is for this purpose.


Example - Export several experiment logs to a csv file:

import os

nxsfilename = "HYS_11092_event.nxs"
wsname = "HYS_11092_event"

defaultdir = config["default.savedirectory"]
if defaultdir == "":
  defaultdir = config[""]
savefile = os.path.join(defaultdir, "testlog.txt")

Load(Filename = nxsfilename,
    OutputWorkspace = wsname,
    MetaDataOnly = True,
    LoadLogs = True)

    InputWorkspace = wsname,
    OutputFilename = savefile,
    FileMode = "new",
    SampleLogNames = "run_start, run_title",
    SampleLogTitles = "AA, BB",
    SampleLogOperation = "None, None",
    FileFormat = "tab",
    TimeZone = "America/New_York")

print("File is created =  {}".format(os.path.exists(savefile)))

# Get lines of file
sfile = open(savefile, 'r')
slines = sfile.readlines()

print("Number of lines in File = {}".format(len(slines)))


File is created =  True
Number of lines in File = 2

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Logs


Python: (last modified: 2020-03-27)