Processing math: 0%


MaskWorkspaceToCalFile v1


MaskWorkspaceToCalFile dialog.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The workspace containing the Masking to extract.
OutputFile Input string Mandatory The file for the results. Allowed values: [‘cal’]
Invert Input boolean False If True, masking is inverted in the input workspace. Default: False


This algorithms writes a cal file with the selection column set to the masking status of the workspaces provided. The offsets and grouping details of the cal file are not completed, so you would normally use MergeCalFiles afterwards to import these values from another file.


import os

# Create a workspace containing some data.
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()

# Mask two detectors by specifying detector IDs 101 and 103

# Create a file path in the user home directory
calFilePath = os.path.expanduser('~/')

# Save the masking in a cal file.
MaskWorkspaceToCalFile( ws, calFilePath );

# Read the saved file back
f = open( calFilePath, 'r' )
calFile ='\n')

# Print out first 10 lines of the file
for line in calFile[:10]:


# basic_rect detector file
# Format: number      UDET       offset       select    group
        0             100       0.0000000        1        1
        1             101       0.0000000        0        0
        2             102       0.0000000        1        1
        3             103       0.0000000        0        0
        4             104       0.0000000        1        1
        5             105       0.0000000        1        1
        6             106       0.0000000        1        1
        7             107       0.0000000        1        1

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Text | Diffraction\DataHandling | Diffraction\Masking


Python: (last modified: 2020-03-27)