Processing math: 0%


PelicanReduction v1


PelicanReduction dialog.


Performs an inelastic energy transfer reduction for ANSTO Pelican geometry data.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SampleRuns Input str list Mandatory Optional cycle number followed by comma separated range of sample runs as [cycle::] n1,n2,.. eg 123::7333-7341,7345
EmptyRuns Input string   Optional cycle number followed by comma separated range of runs as [cycle::] n1,n2,.. eg 123::6300-6308
ScaleEmptyRuns Input number 1 Scale the empty runs prior to subtraction
CalibrationRuns Input string   Optional cycle number followed by comma separated range of runs as [cycle::] n1,n2,.. eg 123::6350-6365
EmptyCalibrationRuns Input string   Optional cycle number followed by comma separated range of runs as [cycle::] n1,n2,.. eg 123::6370-6375
EnergyTransfer Input string 0.0, 0.02, 3.0 Energy transfer range in meV expressed as min, step, max
MomentumTransfer Input string 0.0, 0.02, 2.6 Momentum transfer range in inverse Angstroms, expressed as min, step, max
Processing Input string SOFQW1-Centre Convert to SOFQW or save file as NXSPE, note SOFQW3 is more accurate but much slower than SOFQW1. Allowed values: [‘SOFQW1-Centre’, ‘SOFQW3-NormalisedPolygon’, ‘NXSPE’]
LambdaOnTwoMode Input boolean False Set if instrument running in lambda on two mode.
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory Name for the reduced workspace.
ScratchFolder Input string   Path to save and restore merged workspaces.
KeepIntermediateWorkspaces Input boolean False Whether to keep the intermediate sample and calibration workspaces for diagnostic checks.
ConfigurationFile Input string   Optional: INI file to override default processing values. Allowed values: [‘ini’]


Reduces the data from the Pelican instrument from time of flight versus two theta to S(Q,w). Data can be corrected for background with an empty can subtraction and normalised to vanadium (both optional). Output can be for a powder S(Q,w) or for a single crystal S(Q,w) in the latter case an nxspe file is written. Data can be processed for the specified region of Q and w space. Data can also be processed for the lamda/2 option for Pelican. As a default the output for a powder also includes the Q integrated data S(ω) and the energy integrated data S(Q).

The portion of the detector that is used is defined in the config file. A frame overlap option is also available, where for low temperature data, a portion of the neutron energy gain spectrum can be used to extend the range of the neutron energy loss side.


test = PelicanReduction('44464', EnergyTransfer='-2,0.05,2', MomentumTransfer='0,0.05,2', ConfigurationFile='pelican_doctest.ini')
print('Workspaces in group = {}'.format(test.getNumberOfEntries()))
gp = test.getNames()
print('First workspace: {}'.format(gp[0]))
Workspaces in group = 3
First workspace: test_qw1_1D_dE


Python: (last modified: 2021-07-23)

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\Inelastic | Inelastic | Inelastic\Reduction