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SumRowColumn v1


SumRowColumn dialog.


SANS-specific algorithm which gives a single spectrum containing the total counts in either each row or each column of pixels in a square LOQ or SANS2D detector bank.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The input workspace, which must contain all the spectra from the bank of interest - no more and no less (so 128x128 or 192x192).
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the workspace in which to store the result.
Orientation Input string Mandatory Whether to sum rows (D_H) or columns (D_V). Allowed values: [‘D_H’, ‘D_V’]
XMin Input number Optional The starting X value for each spectrum to include in the summation.
XMax Input number Optional The ending X value for each spectrum to include in the summation.
HOverVMin Input number Optional The first row to include in the summation when summing by columns, or vice versa.
HOverVMax Input number Optional The last row to include in the summation when summing by columns, or vice versa.


This algorithm is the equivalent of the COLETTE “DISPLAY H/V” command. It firsts integrates the input workspace, which must contain all the spectra from the detector of interest - no more and no less (so 128x128 or 192x192), between the X values given. Then each row or column is summed between the H/V_Min/Max values, if given, and the result is a single spectrum of row or column number against total counts.

ChildAlgorithms used

The Integration v1 algorithm is used to sum up each spectrum between XMin & XMax.


Example - Sum rows of a 128*128 workspace

# Create a workspace with 128*128 spectra each with 5 values (only 128*128 or 192*192 are valid)
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Histogram",  NumBanks=1, BankPixelWidth=128, BinWidth=10, Xmax=50)

# Run algorithm with Horizontal orientation
OutputWorkspace = SumRowColumn( ws, "D_H")

print("Input workspace has {} points.".format(ws.getNPoints()))
print("Output workspace has {} points.".format(OutputWorkspace.getNPoints()))


Input workspace has 81920 points.
Output workspace has 128 points.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | SANS | Transforms\Grouping


C++ header: SumRowColumn.h (last modified: 2021-03-31)

C++ source: SumRowColumn.cpp (last modified: 2021-05-24)