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VesuvioCorrections v1


VesuvioCorrections dialog.


Apply post fitting steps to vesuvio data


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Input TOF workspace
WorkspaceIndex Input number 0 Index of spectrum to calculate corrections for
FitParameters Input TableWorkspace   Table containing the calculated fit parametersfor the data in the workspace
Masses Input dbl list Mandatory Mass values for fitting
MassIndexToSymbolMap Input Dictionary null A map from the index of the mass in the Masses property to a chemical symbol.
MassProfiles Input string Mandatory Functions used to approximate mass profile. The format is function=Function1Name,param1=val1,param2=val2;function=Function2Name,param3=val3,param4=val4
IntensityConstraints Input string   A semi-colon separated list of intensity constraints defined as lists e.g [0,1,0,-4];[1,0,-2,0]
HydrogenConstraints Input Dictionary null Constraints used to approximate the intensity of the hydrogen peak in back-scattering spectra for multiple scattering corrections.
ContainerWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Container workspace in TOF
ContainerScale Input number 0 Scale factor to apply to container, set to 0 for automatic scale based on linear fit
GammaBackground Input boolean True If true, correct for the gamma background
GammaBackgroundScale Input number 0 Scale factor to apply to gamma background, set to 0 for automatic scale based on linear fit
MultipleScattering Input boolean True If true, correct for the effects of multiple scattering
BeamRadius Input number 2.5 Radius of beam in cm
SampleHeight Input number 5 Height of sample in cm
SampleWidth Input number 5 Width of sample in cm
SampleDepth Input number 5 Depth of sample in cm
SampleDensity Input number 1 Sample density in g/cm^3
Seed Input number 123456789  
NumScatters Input number 3  
NumRuns Input number 10  
NumEvents Input number 50000 Number of neutron events
SmoothNeighbours Input number 3  
CorrectionWorkspaces Output WorkspaceGroup   Workspace group containing correction intensities for each correction
CorrectedWorkspaces Output WorkspaceGroup   Workspace group containing individual corrections applied to raw data
LinearFitResult Output TableWorkspace   Table workspace containing the fit parameters used tolinearly fit the corrections to the data
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the output workspace


Performs the post fitting corrections steps for Vesuvio data. These steps in include corrections for multiple scattering and gamma.


Example - VesuvioCorrections

###### Simulates LoadVesuvio with spectrum number 135-136 #################
tof_ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='Vesuvio',BinParams=[50,0.5,562],UnitX='TOF')
tof_ws = CropWorkspace(tof_ws,StartWorkspaceIndex=134,EndWorkspaceIndex=135) # index one less than spectrum number
tof_ws = ConvertToPointData(tof_ws)
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='t0',ParameterType='Number',Value='0.5')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l1', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.021')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l2', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.023')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_tof', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.3')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_theta', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.028')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz', ParameterType='Number', Value='24.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_gauss', ParameterType='Number', Value='73.0')
# Algorithm allows separate parameters for the foils
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
                       ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
                       ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
                       ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
                       ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')

#######################Create dummy fit parameters#############################
params = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__VesuvioCorrections_test_fit_params')

params.addColumn('str', 'Name')
params.addColumn('float', 'Value')
params.addColumn('float', 'Error')

params.addRow(['f0.Width', 4.72912, 0.41472])
params.addRow(['f0.FSECoeff', 0.557332, 0])
params.addRow(['f0.C_0', 11.8336, 1.11468])
params.addRow(['f1.Width', 10, 0])
params.addRow(['f1.Intensity', 2.21085, 0.481347])
params.addRow(['f2.Width', 13, 0])
params.addRow(['f2.Intensity', 1.42443, 0.583283])
params.addRow(['f3.Width', 30, 0])
params.addRow(['f3.Intensity', 0.499497, 0.28436])
params.addRow(['f4.A0', -0.00278903, 0.00266163])
params.addRow(['f4.A1', 14.5313, 22.2307])
params.addRow(['f4.A2', -5475.01, 35984.4])
params.addRow(['Cost function value', 2.34392, 0])

masses = [1.0079, 16.0, 27.0, 133.0]
profiles = "function=GramCharlier,hermite_coeffs=[1, 0, 0],k_free=0,sears_flag=1,width=[2, 5, 7];function=Gaussian,width=10;function=Gaussian,width=13;function=Gaussian,width=30"

corrections, corrected, linear_fit, out_ws = VesuvioCorrections(InputWorkspace=tof_ws,

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Inelastic\Indirect\Vesuvio


Python: (last modified: 2020-03-27)