Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Input TOF workspace |
WorkspaceIndex | Input | number | 0 | Index of spectrum to calculate corrections for |
FitParameters | Input | TableWorkspace | Table containing the calculated fit parametersfor the data in the workspace | |
Masses | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | Mass values for fitting |
MassIndexToSymbolMap | Input | Dictionary | null | A map from the index of the mass in the Masses property to a chemical symbol. |
MassProfiles | Input | string | Mandatory | Functions used to approximate mass profile. The format is function=Function1Name,param1=val1,param2=val2;function=Function2Name,param3=val3,param4=val4 |
IntensityConstraints | Input | string | A semi-colon separated list of intensity constraints defined as lists e.g [0,1,0,-4];[1,0,-2,0] | |
HydrogenConstraints | Input | Dictionary | null | Constraints used to approximate the intensity of the hydrogen peak in back-scattering spectra for multiple scattering corrections. |
ContainerWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Container workspace in TOF | |
ContainerScale | Input | number | 0 | Scale factor to apply to container, set to 0 for automatic scale based on linear fit |
GammaBackground | Input | boolean | True | If true, correct for the gamma background |
GammaBackgroundScale | Input | number | 0 | Scale factor to apply to gamma background, set to 0 for automatic scale based on linear fit |
MultipleScattering | Input | boolean | True | If true, correct for the effects of multiple scattering |
BeamRadius | Input | number | 2.5 | Radius of beam in cm |
SampleHeight | Input | number | 5 | Height of sample in cm |
SampleWidth | Input | number | 5 | Width of sample in cm |
SampleDepth | Input | number | 5 | Depth of sample in cm |
SampleDensity | Input | number | 1 | Sample density in g/cm^3 |
Seed | Input | number | 123456789 | |
NumScatters | Input | number | 3 | |
NumRuns | Input | number | 10 | |
NumEvents | Input | number | 50000 | Number of neutron events |
SmoothNeighbours | Input | number | 3 | |
CorrectionWorkspaces | Output | WorkspaceGroup | Workspace group containing correction intensities for each correction | |
CorrectedWorkspaces | Output | WorkspaceGroup | Workspace group containing individual corrections applied to raw data | |
LinearFitResult | Output | TableWorkspace | Table workspace containing the fit parameters used tolinearly fit the corrections to the data | |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the output workspace |
Performs the post fitting corrections steps for Vesuvio data. These steps in include corrections for multiple scattering and gamma.
Example - VesuvioCorrections
###### Simulates LoadVesuvio with spectrum number 135-136 #################
tof_ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='Vesuvio',BinParams=[50,0.5,562],UnitX='TOF')
tof_ws = CropWorkspace(tof_ws,StartWorkspaceIndex=134,EndWorkspaceIndex=135) # index one less than spectrum number
tof_ws = ConvertToPointData(tof_ws)
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='t0',ParameterType='Number',Value='0.5')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l1', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.021')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l2', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.023')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_tof', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.3')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_theta', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.028')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz', ParameterType='Number', Value='24.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_gauss', ParameterType='Number', Value='73.0')
# Algorithm allows separate parameters for the foils
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
#######################Create dummy fit parameters#############################
params = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__VesuvioCorrections_test_fit_params')
params.addColumn('str', 'Name')
params.addColumn('float', 'Value')
params.addColumn('float', 'Error')
params.addRow(['f0.Width', 4.72912, 0.41472])
params.addRow(['f0.FSECoeff', 0.557332, 0])
params.addRow(['f0.C_0', 11.8336, 1.11468])
params.addRow(['f1.Width', 10, 0])
params.addRow(['f1.Intensity', 2.21085, 0.481347])
params.addRow(['f2.Width', 13, 0])
params.addRow(['f2.Intensity', 1.42443, 0.583283])
params.addRow(['f3.Width', 30, 0])
params.addRow(['f3.Intensity', 0.499497, 0.28436])
params.addRow(['f4.A0', -0.00278903, 0.00266163])
params.addRow(['f4.A1', 14.5313, 22.2307])
params.addRow(['f4.A2', -5475.01, 35984.4])
params.addRow(['Cost function value', 2.34392, 0])
masses = [1.0079, 16.0, 27.0, 133.0]
profiles = "function=GramCharlier,hermite_coeffs=[1, 0, 0],k_free=0,sears_flag=1,width=[2, 5, 7];function=Gaussian,width=10;function=Gaussian,width=13;function=Gaussian,width=30"
corrections, corrected, linear_fit, out_ws = VesuvioCorrections(InputWorkspace=tof_ws,
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Inelastic\Indirect\Vesuvio
Python: VesuvioCorrections.py (last modified: 2020-03-27)