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IDF ISIS LET annotated

This page annotates the direct inelastic instrument LET, with the purpose of (hopefully) quickly learn the basis of creating a similar IDF.

Instrument view of LET

LET consists of doors (in the speech of LET scientists) where each door is made up of a number of tupes along the y-axis (green line in picture below), where each tube is made up of a sequence pixels (detectors).

The view of the instrument below is in the ‘Full 3D’ mode.



An annotated version of the ISIS LET IDF

<!-- Specify name of instrument and date from when this IDF is valid -->
<instrument xmlns="http://www.mantidproject.org/IDF/1.0"
            xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mantidproject.org/IDF/1.0 Schema/IDFSchema.xsd"
            valid-from   ="1900-01-31 23:59:59"
            valid-to     ="2100-01-31 23:59:59"
            last-modified="2012-03-13 00:00:00">

<!-- Specify various optional defaults -->
    <length unit="meter"/>
    <angle unit="degree"/>
      <along-beam axis="z"/>
      <pointing-up axis="y"/>
      <handedness val="right"/>
      <origin val="beam" />
    <default-view view="cylindrical_y"/>
    <!-- The option below will by default orientate the
         z-axis of any component to point from (0,0,0) towards the component. -->
    <components-are-facing x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />

<!-- Specify monitor components. Monitors collect data hence
     the idlist="monitors", which specify the name of a list of detector/monitor IDs.
     For ISIS data this provides the link between the data and the components
     collecting the data. Even for data not associated with unique IDs,
     unique ID numbers of your choice are still required, for subsequent
     use by Mantid analysis -->
  <component type="monitors" idlist="monitors">

  <!-- Specify what a type with name="monitors" is. This type happens to be a container/grouping
       of the monitors of this instrument. This grouping is here entirely optional. Only difference
       it makes is that in the Mantid instrument view tree these will be listed under one node, and
       in Python/C++ code a user can more easy for example set a property which applies
       to all the monitors -->
  <type name="monitors">
    <component type="monitor">
      <location r="17.758" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor1" />
      <location r="17.060" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor2" />
      <location r="16.558" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor3" />
      <location r="13.164" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor4" />
      <location r="9.255" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor5" />
      <location r="1.333" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor6" />
      <location r="1.088" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor7" />
      <location r="1.088" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor8" />

  <!-- Define the monitor detector IDs. There are 8 of these on LET -->
  <idlist idname="monitors">
    <id start="11" end="81" step="10"/>

  <!-- Define the type monitor, which is given a physical shape.
       More specifically here a cylindrical shape. See https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/HowToDefineGeometricShape.html
       for all the options for defining a physical shape -->
  <type name="monitor" is="monitor">
    <cylinder id="some-shape">
      <centre-of-bottom-base r="0.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" />
      <axis x="0.0" y="0.0" z="1.0" />
      <radius val="0.01" />
      <height val="0.03" />
    <algebra val="some-shape" />

<!-- ISIS is a neutron spallation source. Therefore an important
     piece of information is the position the source relative to
     the sample, which is needed to calculate neutron flightpaths.
     The source currently also serves as a point along the beam, and
     the source-to-sample direction is used to determine the beam
     direction in a number of parts of the Mantid code. -->
  <component type="undulator">
    <location z="-25.0">     <!-- Specify location of this component -->
      <facing val="none"/>   <!-- The <facing> tag here overwrites the default <components-are-facing> set above -->
<!-- Specify the type with name "undulator", which 'is' marked as being the Source.
     Optionally you may define a geometric shape for the Source. In some cases done
     with the purpose to get it to show up in the Mantid Instrument view.
     See https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/HowToDefineGeometricShape.html for more on geometric shapes -->
  <type name="undulator" is="Source">
    <cylinder id="some-shape">
      <centre-of-bottom-base r="0.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" />
      <axis x="0.0" y="0.0" z="1.0" />
      <radius val="0.01" />
      <height val="0.03" />
    <algebra val="some-shape" />

<!-- Specify the position of the sample and here a shape for
     this sample also -->
  <component type="nickel-holder">
    <location> <facing val="none"/> </location>
  <type name="nickel-holder" is="SamplePos">
    <sphere id="some-shape">
      <centre x="0.0"  y="0.0" z="0.0" />
      <radius val="0.03" />
    <algebra val="some-shape" />

<!-- Specify the LET doors structure. Here the instrument scientist has
     decided to define components of types: door01, ..., door12, where
     each of these are placeholders for the same type LETdoor. The effect
     of this is that you will have the node structure door01->LETdoor->tube1 etc.

     An alternative would have been to instead of the xml code
     <component type="door01" idlist="door01">
       <location />
     <type name="door01">
       <component type="LETdoor">
         <location  x="-1.8805" z="2.9519"> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/>


     <component type="LETdoor" idlist="door01" name="door01">
       <location  x="-1.8805" z="2.9519"> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

     which would have given the node structure door01->tube1 etc. Both choices are
     equally valid. -->
  <component type="door01" idlist="door01"><location /></component>
  <component type="door02" idlist="door02"><location /></component>
  <component type="door03" idlist="door03"><location /></component>
  <component type="door04" idlist="door04"><location /></component>
  <component type="door05" idlist="door05"><location /></component>
  <component type="door06" idlist="door06"><location /></component>
  <component type="door07" idlist="door07"><location /></component>
  <component type="door08" idlist="door08"><location /></component>
  <component type="door09" idlist="door09"><location /></component>
  <component type="door10" idlist="door10"><location /></component>
  <component type="door11" idlist="door11"><location /></component>
  <component type="door12" idlist="door12"><location /></component>

  <type name="door01">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <!-- Note here the instrument scientist has chosen to put in <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
           This element in fact here has no effect since the default
           option set at the top <components-are-facing x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
           will already face any component to x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" -->
      <location  x="-1.8805" z="2.9519"> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door02">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x="  -1.0525    " z="  3.3380    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door03">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" -0.15267    " z="  3.4967    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door04">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x="0.75754    " z="  3.4170    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door05">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 1.6161    " z="  3.1045    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door06">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 2.3646    " z="  2.5805    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door07">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 2.9519    " z="  1.8805    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door08">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 3.3380    " z="  1.0525    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door09">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 3.4967    " z=" 0.15267    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door10">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 3.4170    " z="-0.75754    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door11">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 3.1045    " z=" -1.6161    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
  <type name="door12">
    <component type="LETdoor">
      <location  x=" 2.5805    " z=" -2.3646    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>

  <type name="LETdoor">
    <component type="LETtube" outline="yes">
      <location  x="   -0.393024    " z="  -0.221369E-01" name="tube1" />
      <location  x="   -0.367765    " z="  -0.193752E-01" name="tube2" />
      <location  x="   -0.342486    " z="  -0.167970E-01" name="tube3" />
      <location  x="   -0.317189    " z="  -0.144023E-01" name="tube4" />
      <location  x="   -0.291876    " z="  -0.121914E-01" name="tube5" />
      <location  x="   -0.266547    " z="  -0.101643E-01" name="tube6" />
      <location  x="   -0.241204    " z="  -0.832121E-02" name="tube7" />
      <location  x="   -0.215848    " z="  -0.666210E-02" name="tube8" />
      <location  x="   -0.190481    " z="  -0.518712E-02" name="tube9" />
      <location  x="   -0.165104    " z="  -0.389635E-02" name="tube10" />
      <location  x="   -0.139718    " z="  -0.278984E-02" name="tube11" />
      <location  x="   -0.114325    " z="  -0.186766E-02" name="tube12" />
      <location  x="   -0.889254E-01" z="  -0.112986E-02" name="tube13" />
      <location  x="   -0.635215E-01" z="  -0.576474E-03" name="tube14" />
      <location  x="   -0.381142E-01" z="  -0.207534E-03" name="tube15" />
      <location  x="   -0.127050E-01" z="  -0.230596E-04" name="tube16" />
      <location  x="  0.127050E-01" z="  -0.230596E-04" name="tube17" />
      <location  x="  0.381142E-01" z="  -0.207534E-03" name="tube18" />
      <location  x="  0.635215E-01" z="  -0.576474E-03" name="tube19" />
      <location  x="  0.889254E-01" z="  -0.112986E-02" name="tube20" />
      <location  x="  0.114325    " z="  -0.186766E-02" name="tube21" />
      <location  x="  0.139718    " z="  -0.278984E-02" name="tube22" />
      <location  x="  0.165104    " z="  -0.389635E-02" name="tube23" />
      <location  x="  0.190481    " z="  -0.518712E-02" name="tube24" />
      <location  x="  0.215848    " z="  -0.666210E-02" name="tube25" />
      <location  x="  0.241204    " z="  -0.832121E-02" name="tube26" />
      <location  x="  0.266547    " z="  -0.101643E-01" name="tube27" />
      <location  x="  0.291876    " z="  -0.121914E-01" name="tube28" />
      <location  x="  0.317189    " z="  -0.144023E-01" name="tube29" />
      <location  x="  0.342486    " z="  -0.167970E-01" name="tube30" />
      <location  x="  0.367765    " z="  -0.193752E-01" name="tube31" />
      <location  x="  0.393024    " z="  -0.221369E-01" name="tube32" />

<!-- Here the type for a tube is defined. It using the shorthand notation
     <locations> to define 1024 pixels at positions along the y-axis.

     Note also the 'outline' attribute is used. The attribute is to overcome
     a technical difficulty when displaying and rotating a lot of
     shapes in Mantid Instrument Viewer. For more information on this see https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/InstrumentDefinitionFile.html -->
  <type name="LETtube" outline="yes">
    <component type="pixel">
      <locations y="-2.00304" y-end="2.00304" n-elements="1024" />

  <type name="pixel" is="detector">
    <cylinder id="cyl-approx">
      <centre-of-bottom-base r="0.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" />
      <axis x="0.0" y="0.2" z="0.0" />
      <radius val="   0.127000E-01" />
      <height val="   0.391602E-02" />
    <algebra val="cyl-approx" />

  <idlist idname="door01">
    <id start="1110001" end="1111024" />
    <id start="1120001" end="1121024" />
    <id start="1130001" end="1131024" />
    <id start="1140001" end="1141024" />
    <id start="1150001" end="1151024" />
    <id start="1160001" end="1161024" />
    <id start="1170001" end="1171024" />
    <id start="1180001" end="1181024" />
    <id start="1210001" end="1211024" />
    <id start="1220001" end="1221024" />
    <id start="1230001" end="1231024" />
    <id start="1240001" end="1241024" />
    <id start="1250001" end="1251024" />
    <id start="1260001" end="1261024" />
    <id start="1270001" end="1271024" />
    <id start="1280001" end="1281024" />
    <id start="1310001" end="1311024" />
    <id start="1320001" end="1321024" />
    <id start="1330001" end="1331024" />
    <id start="1340001" end="1341024" />
    <id start="1350001" end="1351024" />
    <id start="1360001" end="1361024" />
    <id start="1370001" end="1371024" />
    <id start="1380001" end="1381024" />
    <id start="1410001" end="1411024" />
    <id start="1420001" end="1421024" />
    <id start="1430001" end="1431024" />
    <id start="1440001" end="1441024" />
    <id start="1450001" end="1451024" />
    <id start="1460001" end="1461024" />
    <id start="1470001" end="1471024" />
    <id start="1480001" end="1481024" />
  <idlist idname="door02">
    <id start="2110001" end="2111024" />
    <id start="2120001" end="2121024" />
    <id start="2130001" end="2131024" />
    <id start="2140001" end="2141024" />
    <id start="2150001" end="2151024" />
    <id start="2160001" end="2161024" />
    <id start="2170001" end="2171024" />
    <id start="2180001" end="2181024" />
    <id start="2210001" end="2211024" />
    <id start="2220001" end="2221024" />
    <id start="2230001" end="2231024" />
    <id start="2240001" end="2241024" />
    <id start="2250001" end="2251024" />
    <id start="2260001" end="2261024" />
    <id start="2270001" end="2271024" />
    <id start="2280001" end="2281024" />
    <id start="2310001" end="2311024" />
    <id start="2320001" end="2321024" />
    <id start="2330001" end="2331024" />
    <id start="2340001" end="2341024" />
    <id start="2350001" end="2351024" />
    <id start="2360001" end="2361024" />
    <id start="2370001" end="2371024" />
    <id start="2380001" end="2381024" />
    <id start="2410001" end="2411024" />
    <id start="2420001" end="2421024" />
    <id start="2430001" end="2431024" />
    <id start="2440001" end="2441024" />
    <id start="2450001" end="2451024" />
    <id start="2460001" end="2461024" />
    <id start="2470001" end="2471024" />
    <id start="2480001" end="2481024" />
  <idlist idname="door03">
    <id start="3110001" end="3111024" />
    <id start="3120001" end="3121024" />
    <id start="3130001" end="3131024" />
    <id start="3140001" end="3141024" />
    <id start="3150001" end="3151024" />
    <id start="3160001" end="3161024" />
    <id start="3170001" end="3171024" />
    <id start="3180001" end="3181024" />
    <id start="3210001" end="3211024" />
    <id start="3220001" end="3221024" />
    <id start="3230001" end="3231024" />
    <id start="3240001" end="3241024" />
    <id start="3250001" end="3251024" />
    <id start="3260001" end="3261024" />
    <id start="3270001" end="3271024" />
    <id start="3280001" end="3281024" />
    <id start="3310001" end="3311024" />
    <id start="3320001" end="3321024" />
    <id start="3330001" end="3331024" />
    <id start="3340001" end="3341024" />
    <id start="3350001" end="3351024" />
    <id start="3360001" end="3361024" />
    <id start="3370001" end="3371024" />
    <id start="3380001" end="3381024" />
    <id start="3410001" end="3411024" />
    <id start="3420001" end="3421024" />
    <id start="3430001" end="3431024" />
    <id start="3440001" end="3441024" />
    <id start="3450001" end="3451024" />
    <id start="3460001" end="3461024" />
    <id start="3470001" end="3471024" />
    <id start="3480001" end="3481024" />
  <idlist idname="door04">
    <id start="4110001" end="4111024" />
    <id start="4120001" end="4121024" />
    <id start="4130001" end="4131024" />
    <id start="4140001" end="4141024" />
    <id start="4150001" end="4151024" />
    <id start="4160001" end="4161024" />
    <id start="4170001" end="4171024" />
    <id start="4180001" end="4181024" />
    <id start="4210001" end="4211024" />
    <id start="4220001" end="4221024" />
    <id start="4230001" end="4231024" />
    <id start="4240001" end="4241024" />
    <id start="4250001" end="4251024" />
    <id start="4260001" end="4261024" />
    <id start="4270001" end="4271024" />
    <id start="4280001" end="4281024" />
    <id start="4310001" end="4311024" />
    <id start="4320001" end="4321024" />
    <id start="4330001" end="4331024" />
    <id start="4340001" end="4341024" />
    <id start="4350001" end="4351024" />
    <id start="4360001" end="4361024" />
    <id start="4370001" end="4371024" />
    <id start="4380001" end="4381024" />
    <id start="4410001" end="4411024" />
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    <id start="4430001" end="4431024" />
    <id start="4440001" end="4441024" />
    <id start="4450001" end="4451024" />
    <id start="4460001" end="4461024" />
    <id start="4470001" end="4471024" />
    <id start="4480001" end="4481024" />
  <idlist idname="door05">
    <id start="5110001" end="5111024" />
    <id start="5120001" end="5121024" />
    <id start="5130001" end="5131024" />
    <id start="5140001" end="5141024" />
    <id start="5150001" end="5151024" />
    <id start="5160001" end="5161024" />
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    <id start="5220001" end="5221024" />
    <id start="5230001" end="5231024" />
    <id start="5240001" end="5241024" />
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    <id start="5270001" end="5271024" />
    <id start="5280001" end="5281024" />
    <id start="5310001" end="5311024" />
    <id start="5320001" end="5321024" />
    <id start="5330001" end="5331024" />
    <id start="5340001" end="5341024" />
    <id start="5350001" end="5351024" />
    <id start="5360001" end="5361024" />
    <id start="5370001" end="5371024" />
    <id start="5380001" end="5381024" />
    <id start="5410001" end="5411024" />
    <id start="5420001" end="5421024" />
    <id start="5430001" end="5431024" />
    <id start="5440001" end="5441024" />
    <id start="5450001" end="5451024" />
    <id start="5460001" end="5461024" />
    <id start="5470001" end="5471024" />
    <id start="5480001" end="5481024" />
  <idlist idname="door06">
    <id start="6110001" end="6111024" />
    <id start="6120001" end="6121024" />
    <id start="6130001" end="6131024" />
    <id start="6140001" end="6141024" />
    <id start="6150001" end="6151024" />
    <id start="6160001" end="6161024" />
    <id start="6170001" end="6171024" />
    <id start="6180001" end="6181024" />
    <id start="6210001" end="6211024" />
    <id start="6220001" end="6221024" />
    <id start="6230001" end="6231024" />
    <id start="6240001" end="6241024" />
    <id start="6250001" end="6251024" />
    <id start="6260001" end="6261024" />
    <id start="6270001" end="6271024" />
    <id start="6280001" end="6281024" />
    <id start="6310001" end="6311024" />
    <id start="6320001" end="6321024" />
    <id start="6330001" end="6331024" />
    <id start="6340001" end="6341024" />
    <id start="6350001" end="6351024" />
    <id start="6360001" end="6361024" />
    <id start="6370001" end="6371024" />
    <id start="6380001" end="6381024" />
    <id start="6410001" end="6411024" />
    <id start="6420001" end="6421024" />
    <id start="6430001" end="6431024" />
    <id start="6440001" end="6441024" />
    <id start="6450001" end="6451024" />
    <id start="6460001" end="6461024" />
    <id start="6470001" end="6471024" />
    <id start="6480001" end="6481024" />
  <idlist idname="door07">
    <id start="7110001" end="7111024" />
    <id start="7120001" end="7121024" />
    <id start="7130001" end="7131024" />
    <id start="7140001" end="7141024" />
    <id start="7150001" end="7151024" />
    <id start="7160001" end="7161024" />
    <id start="7170001" end="7171024" />
    <id start="7180001" end="7181024" />
    <id start="7210001" end="7211024" />
    <id start="7220001" end="7221024" />
    <id start="7230001" end="7231024" />
    <id start="7240001" end="7241024" />
    <id start="7250001" end="7251024" />
    <id start="7260001" end="7261024" />
    <id start="7270001" end="7271024" />
    <id start="7280001" end="7281024" />
    <id start="7310001" end="7311024" />
    <id start="7320001" end="7321024" />
    <id start="7330001" end="7331024" />
    <id start="7340001" end="7341024" />
    <id start="7350001" end="7351024" />
    <id start="7360001" end="7361024" />
    <id start="7370001" end="7371024" />
    <id start="7380001" end="7381024" />
    <id start="7410001" end="7411024" />
    <id start="7420001" end="7421024" />
    <id start="7430001" end="7431024" />
    <id start="7440001" end="7441024" />
    <id start="7450001" end="7451024" />
    <id start="7460001" end="7461024" />
    <id start="7470001" end="7471024" />
    <id start="7480001" end="7481024" />
  <idlist idname="door08">
    <id start="8110001" end="8111024" />
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    <id start="8130001" end="8131024" />
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Category: Concepts