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What is the Sample object?

The sample object holds details of the samples in an experiment. While most of the time this will refer to a single sample, it can also describe a collection of samples. Specifically this holds information about a samples:

  • Material properties and chemical composition
  • Shape and dimensions
  • Crystal structure

Working with Sample objects in Python

A full list of properties and operations can be found in Sample API reference, but here are some of the key ones.

Getting the Sample Object from a Workspace


Sample Properties

ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Histogram",NumBanks=1,BankPixelWidth=1)
s = ws.sample()

# Dimensions
print("Height: " + str(s.getHeight()))
print("Width: " + str(s.getWidth()))
print("Thickness: " + str(s.getThickness()))

# Material
m = s.getMaterial()
print("Material Name " + str(
print("Total scattering X-Section: " + str(m.totalScatterXSection()))

# Crystal Structure
print("Data lattice parameters are: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ".format(ol.a(),ol.b(),ol.c(),ol.alpha(),ol.beta(),ol.gamma()))

Multiple Samples

The Sample() method actually returns a collection, however if you do not specify which sample you want you will get the first member of the collection.

ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Histogram",NumBanks=1,BankPixelWidth=1)

s = ws.sample()
# Is the same as
s = ws.sample()[0]

# You can ask how many samples there are with
size = ws.sample().size()

Category: Concepts