Reflectometry Changes
- Batch Save/Load: you can now save and re-load a full “batch reduction”. This includes the runs table and all of the reduction settings for a particular Batch tab.
- Project Save/Load: the interface’s full state will be saved when you save a project. Re-loading the project will reinstate all batch tabs. Any processed rows will remain linked to their original output workspaces.
- Project Recovery: the interface state will be saved if Mantid crashes and will be reinstated as long as project recovery can recreate all of the workspaces.
- The live data update interval can now be configured on the interface.
- The Slit Calculator dialog can now be accessed from the Tools menu.
- Polarization correction inputs have been simplified to a single checkbox which, when ticked, will apply polarization corrections based on properties in the instrument parameters file.
- ScaleFactor is now applied to the stitched output and individual
workspaces (previously, only the IvsQ_binned
workspaces were scaled).
- A bug has been fixed where the interface could sometimes not be closed after a failed attempt at starting Autoprocessing.
- Row/group state will now be reset if renaming another workspace overwrites its output.
- The Instrument can no longer be different on different Batch tabs.
- Batch tabs can no longer have duplicate names.
- The Pause button is now disabled upon opening the interface and is only enabled when processing is in progress.
- ReflectometryReductionOneAuto has been updated to version 3. Changes in this version are:
is simplified to a single True/False argument which, when True, will apply corrections from the instrument parameters file;
- the unbinned
workspace is now scaled according to ScaleFactor
(previously, only IvsQ_binned
was scaled).
- An issue has been fixed in CreateTransmissionWorkspace <algm-CreateTransmissionWorkspace> where the incorrect transmission workspaces were being output when debug is on/off.
- The ReflectometryISISLoadAndProcess algorithm now ensures that the TOF group cannot contain non-TOF workspaces or nested groups (nested groups are not supported so are now flattened into a single group instead).
Release 4.2.0