The Peak function type, IPeakFunction
, is a specialized kind of 1D
function. It is used when, for the given function, approximate values of
height, fwhm & peak centre can be determined from the function
parameters. Their main use is to improve the choosing of starting values
for these types of function from the GUI.
The function calculation also only occurs around a given peak radius
(defined in Settings->Fitting->CurveFitting menu). Any function
values outside this radius are automatically zeroed. The best description
here is to walk through defining an example. Here will implement a Gaussian
(called PyGaussian so as not interfere with Mantid’s Gaussian).
The parameters & attributes are defined in exactly the same manner as for the
from mantid.api import *
import math
import numpy as np
class PyGaussian(IPeakFunction):
def init(self):
# We don't use any attributes in this example
FunctionFactory.subscribe(PyGaussian) # Registration is identical
Function evaluation proceeds in a similar manner to IFunction1D
with the
exception that the method is now called functionLocal
. Python
can also provide an analytical derivative by defining a
method. This is optional and default is to be
calculated numerical derivatives:
def functionLocal(self, xvals):
height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
peak_centre = self.getParameterValue("PeakCentre")
sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")
weight = math.pow(1./sigma,2)
return out
# the following method is optional
def functionDerivLocal(self, xvals, jacobian):
height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
peak_centre = self.getParameterValue("PeakCentre")
sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")
weight = math.pow(1./sigma, 2)
# X index
i = 0
for x in xvals:
diff = x-peak_centre
exp_term = math.exp(-0.5*diff*diff*weight)
jacobian.set(i, 0, exp_term)
jacobian.set(i, 1, diff*height*exp_term*weight)
# derivative with respect to weight not sigma
jacobian.set(i, 2, -0.5*diff*diff*height*exp_term)
i += 1