Here we aim to write a small algorithm that performs a reduction and conversion to energy transfer of some raw data. This is essentially a snippet of the proper reduction done for the direct-geometry inelastic instruments.
# Write an algorithm called ConvertToEnergy
# The algorithm should have 4 properties:
# - Filename: A FileProperty for a file to load (ignore extensions)
# - Ei: A FloatProperty for the incident energy with a validator to check that it is positive and non-zero
# - BinParams: A FloatArrayProperty that will contain the binning of the final workspace
# - OutputWorkspace: An output MatrixWorkspaceProperty to hold the final result.
# The steps the algorithm should perform are:
# - Use the Load algorithm to load the file to a workspace
# - Run the ConvertUnits algorithm on the previous workspace and put the output in the same workspace. Use Target='DeltaE',
# EMode=Direct, EFixed=value of Ei property
# - Run the Rebin algorithm on the previous workspace and put the output in the same workspace. Use Params=value of the BinParams property
# - Create a new workspace that is the sum of all of the spectra in the output from Rebin
# (Hint: Use the WorkspaceFactory and create a workspace that uses the existing one a template but with one row).
# - Set the X values on the new worksapace to the X values from first row of the existing workspace
# - Loop over the existing workspace and sum up the values and put them in the new workspace.
# - Delete the temporary workspace using DeleteWorkspace
# - Set the new workspace to the OutputWorkspace property
# To test the algorithm, execute the file that contains the algorithm to register it with Mantid. It will then show up in the list
# of algorithms. Use the following inputs:
# - Filename: MAR11015.raw
# - Ei: 12.9729
# - BinParams: -11,0.01,11
# - OutputWorkspace: DeltaE
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
import numpy as np
# Class definition
class ConvertToEnergy(PythonAlgorithm):
def category(self):
return "Examples"
def PyInit(self):
# 3 input properties
self.declareProperty(FileProperty(name="Filename", defaultValue="",action=FileAction.Load),doc="TOF data filename")
# Setting the default to -1 requires a user to enter a value as it does not satisfy the validator
self.declareProperty(name="Ei", defaultValue=-1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0.0001), doc="Incident energy of neutron")
self.declareProperty(FloatArrayProperty(name="BinParams"), doc="Bin parameters for the final workspace in units of DeltaE")
# 1 Output property
self.declareProperty(MatrixWorkspaceProperty(name="OutputWorkspace", defaultValue="", direction=Direction.Output))
def PyExec(self):
from mantid.simpleapi import Load, ConvertUnits, Rebin, DeleteWorkspace
# Load file to workspace
_tmpws = Load(Filename=self.getPropertyValue("Filename"),LoadMonitors="Exclude")
# Convert to units to DeltaE
ei = self.getProperty("Ei").value
_tmpws = ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=_tmpws,Target="DeltaE",EMode="Direct",EFixed=ei)
# Rebin to requested units
bins = self.getProperty("BinParams").value
_tmpws = Rebin(InputWorkspace=_tmpws,Params=bins)
# Create the new output workspace
_summed = WorkspaceFactory.create(_tmpws,NVectors=1)
# Set the X values for the new workspace
_summed.setX(0, _tmpws.readX(0))
# Sum the rows to a single row. Two methods demonstrated:
#----- 1: Direct workspace access -----
# Uses less memory as it avoids a copy of the data
# dataY returns an array we can modify on the new workspace
# note _summed at this point has all its y-values = 0
sumy = _summed.dataY(0) # initialise sumy with zeros
for i in range(_tmpws.getNumberHistograms()):
sumy += _tmpws.dataY(i)
#----- 2: Extract to numpy and sum ----
# Uses more memory as extract copies to data (uncomment to see working)
#yin = __tmpsws.extractY()
#npsum = numpy.sum(yin,axis=0) # Axis 0 = summing down the columns
# and put the data to the workspace
#_summed.setY(0, npsum)
# Store reference outside of algorithm
self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", _summed)
# Register algorithm with Mantid