Table of Contents
BILBY SANS data reduction. Converts a workspace in wavelength into a 1D or 2D workspace of momentum transfer, assuming elastic scattering.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Particle counts as a function of wavelength |
InputMaskingWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mask for the scattering data | |
BlockedBeamWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Blocked beam scattering | |
EmptyBeamSpectrumShapeWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Empty beam transmission, where only a given wavelength slice is considered |
SensitivityCorrectionMatrix | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Detector sensitivity calibration data set | |
TransmissionWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Sample transmission workspace |
TransmissionEmptyBeamWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Empty beam transmission workspace |
TransmissionMaskingWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Mask for the transmission data |
FitMethod | Input | string | log | Function to use to fit transmission; can be Linear, Log, Polynomial (first letter shall be capital) |
PolynomialOrder | Input | string | 3 | Used only for Polynomial function, but needed as an input parameter anyway |
ScalingFactor | Input | number | 1 | Attenuating factor |
SampleThickness | Input | number | 1 | Thickness of sample |
BinningWavelength | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | Wavelength boundaries for reduction: a comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary |
BinningWavelengthTransm | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | Wavelengths boundaries for transmission binning: a comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin |
BinningQ | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | Output Q-boundaries: a comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary |
Timemode | Input | boolean | True | If data collected in ToF or monochromatic mode |
AccountForGravity | Input | boolean | True | Whether to correct for the effects of gravity |
SolidAngleWeighting | Input | boolean | True | If True, pixels will be weighted by their solid angle |
RadiusCut | Input | number | 1 | To increase resolution some wavelengths are excluded within this distance from the beam center (mm). Note that RadiusCut and WaveCut both need to be larger than 0 to affect the effective cutoff. See the algorithm description for a detailed explanation of the cutoff. |
WaveCut | Input | number | 1 | To increase resolution by starting to remove some wavelengths below this threshold (angstrom). Note that WaveCut and RadiusCut both need to be larger than 0 to affect on the effective cutoff. See the algorithm description for a detailed explanation of the cutoff. |
WideAngleCorrection | Input | boolean | True | If true, the wide angle correction for transmissions will be applied |
Reduce2D | Input | boolean | False | If true, 2D data reduction will be performed |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Name of the workspace that contains the result of the calculation. Created automatically. |
OutputWorkspaceTransmissionFit | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Counts vs wavelength, fit for the sample transmission |
The main equation Bilby is using for the I(Q) calculation is the following:
Where Csam,corr is the measured counts per pixel per wavelength, Iempty_beam is the intensity of the empty beam collected for Mempty_beam time, M is a time measure for the data collection, attempty_beam is attenuation factor, Ω(R) is solid angle, Detflood is a detector response function, Tcorr is the sample transmission, and dsam is the sample thickness.
Details are described in the paper [1]. The core algorithms the BilbySANSDataProcessor is utilising are Q1D and TOFSANSResolutionByPixel. Please refer to those pages for details of the input parameters. The unit of the output workspace is 1/cm. Absolute scale calibration done relatively to the empty beam transmission measurements.
See page to download a set of the test input data.
Please note, currently we do not have a User Interface, so we are working with csv lists.
The steps to make the Bilby data reduction work are listed below:
from BilbyReductionScript import RunBilbyReduction
run_bilby_reduction = RunBilbyReduction('mantid_reduction_settings_example.csv', '0', '0', 'shift_assembled.csv', False)
output_workspace, transmission_fit = run_bilby_reduction.run_bilby_reduction()
scale, aka attenuation factor 0.0029
[1] | A. Sokolova, A. E. Whitten, L. de Campo, J. Christoforidis, A. Eltobaji, J. Barnes, F. Darmann and A. Berry (2019). Journal of Applied Crystallography Volume 52 (1) doi: 10.1107/S1600576718018009 |