Processing math: 0%


CompareMDWorkspaces v1


CompareMDWorkspaces dialog.


Compare two MDWorkspaces for equality.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Workspace1 Input IMDWorkspace Mandatory First MDWorkspace to compare.
Workspace2 Input IMDWorkspace Mandatory Second MDWorkspace to compare.
Tolerance Input number 0 The maximum amount by which values may differ between the workspaces.
MDEventTolerance Input number 1e-07 The maximum amount by which values may differ between 2 MDEvents to compare.
CheckEvents Input boolean True Whether to compare each MDEvent. If False, will only look at the box structure.
Equals Output boolean   Boolean set to true if the workspaces match.
Result Output string   String describing the difference found between the workspaces
IgnoreBoxID Input boolean False To ignore box ID-s when comparing MD boxes as Multithreaded splitting assigns box id-s randomly


Compare two MDWorkspaces (MDEventWorkspace or MDHistoWorkspace) to see if they are the same. This is mostly meant for testing/debugging use by developers.

What is compared: The dimensions, as well as the signal and error for each bin of each workspace will be compared.

MDEventWorkspace : the events in each box will be compared if the CheckEvents option is checked. The events would need to be in the same order to match.


Example - compare two MD workspaces:

# create sample inelastic workspace for MARI instrument containing 1 at all spectra
# create the copy of first workspace
# create second workspace which has different signals
# Convert to MD
mdWs1 =ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace=ws1,QDimensions='|Q|',QConversionScales='Q in A^-1',SplitInto='100,100',MaxRecursionDepth='1')
mdWs1a=ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace=ws1a,QDimensions='|Q|',QConversionScales='Q in A^-1',SplitInto='100,100',MaxRecursionDepth='1')
mdWs2=ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace=ws2,QDimensions='|Q|',QConversionScales='Q in A^-1',SplitInto='100,100',MaxRecursionDepth='1')
# compare the workspaces

# print comparison results
print("Workspaces mdWs1 and mdWs1a are equal? : {0}  : Comparison result: {1}".format(comp_rez1[0], comp_rez1[1]))
if comp_rez2[1].count('Box signal does not match (18360 vs 36720)') == 1:
    result = 'Box signal does not match (18360 vs 36720)'
    result = comp_rez2[1]
print("Workspaces mdWs1 and mdWs2  are equal? : {0} : Comparison result: {1}".format(comp_rez2[0], result))


Workspaces mdWs1 and mdWs1a are equal? : True  : Comparison result: Success!
Workspaces mdWs1 and mdWs2  are equal? : False : Comparison result: Box signal does not match (18360 vs 36720)

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | MDAlgorithms\Utility\Workspaces