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CreateFloodWorkspace v1


CreateFloodWorkspace dialog.


Algorithm to create a flood correction workspace for reflectometry data reduction.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input list of str lists Mandatory The name of the flood run file(s) to read. Multiple runs can be loaded and added together, e.g. INST10+11+12+13.ext. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’, ‘.raw’, ‘.sav’, ‘.n*’, ‘.s*’, ‘.add’, ‘.nxspe’]
StartSpectrum Input number Optional Start value of the fitting interval
EndSpectrum Input number Optional End value of the fitting interval
ExcludeSpectra Input dbl list   Spectra to exclude
RangeLower Input number Optional The lower integration limit (an X value).
RangeUpper Input number Optional The upper integration limit (an X value).
CentralPixelSpectrum Input number Optional A spectrum number of the central pixel.
Background Input string Linear Background function. Allowed values: [‘Linear’, ‘Quadratic’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The flood correction workspace.


The algorithm takes a measured flood run (or runs) and converts it to a workspace that can be used for flood correction of reflectometry measurements. If StartSpectrum and EndSpectrum are given then they specify a range of detectors for which the flood will be calculated, for all other detectors it will be assumed 1. For detectors given in the ExcludeSpectra property the flood value will be set to a very large number that will have an effect of excluding these detectors from analysis.

If CentralPixelSpectrum is given then the integrated value of that spectrum is used to scale the flood workspace. If it is default then the Background property specifies the function to use to remove the background and scale the flood values. The integration range can be specified with the RangeLower and RangeUpper properties.

The output workspace shares the instrument with the inputs but not the logs.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\ISIS