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DgsReduction v1


DgsReduction dialog.


Top-level workflow algorithm for DGS reduction.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SampleInputFile Input string   File containing the sample data to reduce. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
SampleInputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Workspace to be reduced
SampleInputMonitorWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   A monitor workspace associated with the input sample workspace.
DetCalFilename Input string   A detector calibration file.
RelocateDetectors Input boolean False Move detectors to position specified in cal file.
IncidentEnergyGuess Input number Optional Set the value of the incident energy guess in meV.
UseIncidentEnergyGuess Input boolean False Use the incident energy guess as the actual value (will not be calculated).
TimeZeroGuess Input number Optional Set the value of time zero offset in microseconds.
Monitor1SpecId Input number Optional Spectrum No for the first monitor to use in Ei calculation.
Monitor2SpecId Input number Optional Spectrum No for the second monitor to use in Ei calculation.
EnergyTransferRange Input dbl list   A comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary. Negative width value indicates logarithmic binning.
SofPhiEIsDistribution Input boolean True The final S(Phi, E) data is made to be a distribution.
HardMaskFile Input string   A file or workspace containing a hard mask. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
GroupingFile Input string   A file containing grouping (mapping) information. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
ShowIntermediateWorkspaces Input boolean False Flag to show the intermediate workspaces (diagnostic mask, integrated detector vanadium, integrated absolute units) from the reduction.
IncidentBeamNormalisation Input string None Options for incident beam normalisation on data. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘ByCurrent’, ‘ToMonitor’]
MonitorIntRangeLow Input number Optional Set the lower bound for monitor integration.
MonitorIntRangeHigh Input number Optional Set the upper bound for monitor integration.
TimeIndepBackgroundSub Input boolean False If true, time-independent background will be calculated and removed.
TibTofRangeStart Input number Optional Set the lower TOF bound for time-independent background subtraction.
TibTofRangeEnd Input number Optional Set the upper TOF bound for time-independent background subtraction.
CorrectKiKf Input boolean True Apply the ki/kf correction.
DetectorVanadiumInputFile Input string   File containing the sample detector vanadium data to reduce. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
DetectorVanadiumInputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Sample detector vanadium workspace to be reduced
DetectorVanadiumInputMonitorWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   A monitor workspace associated with the input sample detector vanadium workspace.
SaveProcessedDetVan Input boolean False Save the processed detector vanadium workspace
SaveProcDetVanFilename Input string   Provide a filename for saving the processed detector vanadium. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’]
UseProcessedDetVan Input boolean False If true, treat the detector vanadium as processed. This includes not running diagnostics on the processed data.
UseBoundsForDetVan Input boolean False If true, integrate the detector vanadium over a given range.
DetVanIntRangeLow Input number Optional Set the lower bound for integrating the detector vanadium.
DetVanIntRangeHigh Input number Optional Set the upper bound for integrating the detector vanadium.
DetVanIntRangeUnits Input string Energy Options for the units on the detector vanadium integration. Allowed values: [‘Energy’, ‘Wavelength’, ‘TOF’]
HighCounts Input number Optional Mask detectors above this threshold.
LowCounts Input number Optional Mask detectors below this threshold.
LowOutlier Input number Optional Lower bound defining outliers as fraction of median value
HighOutlier Input number Optional Upper bound defining outliers as fraction of median value
MedianTestHigh Input number Optional Mask detectors above this threshold.
MedianTestLow Input number Optional Mask detectors below this threshold.
MedianTestLevelsUp Input number 0 Mask detectors below this threshold.
MedianTestCorrectForSolidAngle Input boolean False Flag to correct for solid angle efficiency.
ErrorBarCriterion Input number Optional Some selection criteria for the detector tests.
DetectorVanadium2InputFile Input string   File containing detector vanadium data to compare against. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
DetectorVanadium2InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Detector vanadium workspace to compare against
DetectorVanadium2InputMonitorWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   A monitor workspace associated with the input comparison detector vanadium workspace.
DetVanRatioVariation Input number Optional Mask detectors if the time variation is above this threshold.
BackgroundCheck Input boolean False If true, run a background check on detector vanadium.
SamBkgMedianTestHigh Input number Optional Mask detectors above this threshold.
SamBkgMedianTestLow Input number Optional Mask detectors below this threshold.
SamBkgErrorBarCriterion Input number Optional Some selection criteria for the detector tests.
BackgroundTofStart Input number Optional Start TOF for the background check.
BackgroundTofEnd Input number Optional End TOF for the background check.
RejectZeroBackground Input boolean False If true, check the background region for anomolies.
PsdBleed Input boolean False If true, perform a PSD bleed test.
MaxFramerate Input number Optional The maximum framerate to check.
IgnoredPixels Input number Optional A list of pixels to ignore in the calculations.
DoAbsoluteUnits Input boolean False If true, perform an absolute units normalisation.
AbsUnitsSampleInputFile Input string   The sample (vanadium) file used in the absolute units normalisation.
AbsUnitsSampleInputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   The sample (vanadium) workspace for absolute units normalisation.
AbsUnitsSampleInputMonitorWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   A monitor workspace associated with the input absolute units sample workspace.
AbsUnitsGroupingFile Input string   Grouping file for absolute units normalisation.
AbsUnitsDetectorVanadiumInputFile Input string   The detector vanadium file used in the absolute units normalisation.
AbsUnitsDetectorVanadiumInputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   The detector vanadium workspace for absolute units normalisation.
AbsUnitsDetectorVanadiumInputMonitorWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   A monitor workspace associated with the input absolute units sample detector vanadium workspace.
AbsUnitsIncidentEnergy Input number Optional The incident energy for the vanadium sample.
AbsUnitsMinimumEnergy Input number Optional The minimum energy for the integration range.
AbsUnitsMaximumEnergy Input number Optional The maximum energy for the integration range.
VanadiumMass Input number Optional The mass of vanadium.
SampleMass Input number 1 The mass of sample.
SampleRmm Input number 1 The rmm of sample.
AbsUnitsLowOutlier Input number Optional Lower bound defining outliers as fraction of median value
AbsUnitsHighOutlier Input number Optional Upper bound defining outliers as fraction of median value
AbsUnitsMedianTestHigh Input number Optional Mask detectors above this threshold.
AbsUnitsMedianTestLow Input number Optional Mask detectors below this threshold.
AbsUnitsErrorBarCriterion Input number Optional Some selection criteria for the detector tests.
DoPowderDataConversion Input boolean False Flag to switch on converting DeltaE to SQW.
PowderMomTransferRange Input dbl list   A comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary. Negative width value indicates logarithmic binning.
SavePowderNexusFile Input boolean True Flag to use to save a processed NeXus file for powder data.
SavePowderNexusFilename Input string   Provide a filename for saving the processed powder data. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Provide a name for the output workspace.
ReductionProperties Output string    


This is the top-level workflow algorithm for direct geometry spectrometer data reduction. This algorithm is responsible for gathering the necessary parameters and generating calls to other workflow or standard algorithms.


Parameters for the child algorithms are not shown due to the sheer number. They will be detailed in the child algorithm diagrams. Items in parallelograms are output workspaces from their respective algorithms. Not all output workspaces are subsequently used by other algorithms.



Example - Simplest SNS Script

config['default.facility'] = "SNS"
# SNS reduction does not require IncidentEnergyGuess since the NeXus
# files contain an EnergyRequest log.
ws = DgsReduction(SampleInputFile="CNCS_7860_event.nxs")
# More than one output from DgsReduction
# (E vs Phi Workspace, Name of Property Manager)
w = ws[0]
# Check the conversion
xaxis = w.getAxis(0).getUnit()
print("X axis = {} / {}".format(xaxis.caption(), xaxis.symbol()))
print("Energy mode = {}".format(w.getEMode()))
print("Workspace type = {}".format(w.id()))


X axis = Energy transfer / meV
Energy mode = Direct
Workspace type = Workspace2D

Example - Simplest ISIS Script

config['default.facility'] = "ISIS"
# ISIS reduction required IncidentEnergyGuess since RAW files don't
# have a corresponding log.
ws = DgsReduction(SampleInputFile="MAR11001.raw",
# More than one output from DgsRedution
# (E vs Phi Workspace, Name of Property Manager)
w = ws[0]
# Check the conversion
xaxis = w.getAxis(0).getUnit()
print("X axis = {} / {}".format(xaxis.caption(), xaxis.symbol()))
print("Energy mode = {}".format(w.getEMode()))
print("Workspace type = {}".format(w.id()))


X axis = Energy transfer / meV
Energy mode = Direct
Workspace type = Workspace2D

Example - Get as Eventworkspace for SNS

The following shows that event data can be the result of the redcuction instead of histogram data.

config['default.facility'] = "SNS"
ws = DgsReduction(SampleInputFile="CNCS_7860_event.nxs",
w = ws[0]
print("Workspace type = {}".format(w.id()))
print("Number of events = {}".format(w.getNumberEvents()))


Workspace type = EventWorkspace
Number of events = 78037

Example - Correct Data Before Reduction for SNS

The following is a contrived example to show that the data can be loaded and corrected and/or filtered before passing it to the algorithm. The key here is that the *InputWorkspace properties must be used. It also shows a couple of more properties being used.

config['default.facility'] = "SNS"
ws = Load("CNCS_7860_event.nxs", LoadMonitors=True)
monitor = ws[1]
valC3 = ws[0].getRun()['Phase3'].getStatistics().median
ws = FilterByLogValue(ws[0], LogName="Phase3", MinimumValue=valC3-0.3,
# Although CNCS doesn't use its monitors, this is how instruments that do need
# to call the algorithm.
ws = DgsReduction(SampleInputWorkspace=ws, SampleInputMonitorWorkspace=monitor,
                  IncidentBeamNormalisation="ByCurrent", SofPhiEIsDistribution=False)
w = ws[0]
print("Workspace type = {}".format(w.id()))
print("Number of events = {}".format(w.getNumberEvents()))


Workspace type = EventWorkspace
Number of events = 2178

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\Inelastic


C++ header: DgsReduction.h

C++ source: DgsReduction.cpp