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DgsScatteredTransmissionCorrectionMD v1


DgsScatteredTransmissionCorrectionMD dialog.


Isotropic scattering transmission correction for Inelastic data


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MDEventWorkspace Mandatory Input MDEventWorkspace. Either QSample (or QLab) frame plus DeltaE, or just Qmod plus DeltaE
ExponentFactor Input number Optional Depletion rate exponent
OutputWorkspace Output MDEventWorkspace Mandatory The output MDEventWorkspace with the correction applied


In instruments where there is a polarization analysis stage in the scattered beam, neutron intensity is reduced by an absorption factor [1]. This has an exponential dependence on the scattered energy. To correct for this, the detected intensity I of every event collected is corrected by:

E_f = E_i-\Delta E

I' = I e^{c E_f}

\delta I' = \delta I e^{c E_f}

[1] Andrei T. Savici et al, 2017, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 862 012023


Example - Run Transmission Correction

we1 = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType='Event',
                            Function='Flat background',
AddSampleLog(Workspace=we1,LogName='deltaE-mode', LogText='Direct', LogType='String')
AddSampleLog(Workspace=we1,LogName='Ei', LogText='20.', LogType='Number')
MoveInstrumentComponent(Workspace=we1, ComponentName='bank1', X=3, Z=3, RelativePosition=False)
MoveInstrumentComponent(Workspace=we1, ComponentName='bank2', X=-3, Z=-3, RelativePosition=False)
SetGoniometer(Workspace=we1, Axis0='0,0,1,0,1')

c = 1. / 11  # the exponential factor for the correction

# old way
we1s = ScaleX(InputWorkspace=we1, Factor=-20., Operation='Add') # deltaE - Ei becomes -Ef
we1s = ScaleX(InputWorkspace=we1s, Factor=-1.0, Operation='Multiply') # the X-axis becomes Ef
# The ExponentialCorrection algorithm multiplies signal by C0*exp(-C1*x), where x is Ef
we1s = ExponentialCorrection(Operation="Multiply", InputWorkspace=we1s, C0=1., C1=-c)
we1s = ScaleX(InputWorkspace=we1s, Factor=-1.0, Operation='Multiply') # the X-axis becomes -Ef
we1s = ScaleX(InputWorkspace=we1s, Factor=20., Operation='Add') # Ei - Ef converts back to DeltaE
md1_old = ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace=we1s, QDimensions='Q3D')

# use algorithm DgsScatteredTransmissionCorrectionMD
md1 = ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace=we1, QDimensions='Q3D')
md1_new = DgsScatteredTransmissionCorrectionMD(md1, ExponentFactor=c)

r = CompareMDWorkspaces(md1_old, md1_new, CheckEvents=True, Tolerance=0.00001)
print('Number of MDEvents: {} == {}'.format(md1_old.getNEvents(), md1_new.getNEvents()))
print('md1_old and md1_new being equal is {}'.format(r.Equals))


Number of MDEvents: 1972 == 1972
md1_old and md1_new being equal is True

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | MDAlgorithms