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DirectILLIntegrateVanadium v1


DirectILLIntegrateVanadium dialog.


Integrate vanadium workspace. Part of the TOF workflow at ILL.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory A workspace to be integrated.
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory The integrated workspace.
Cleanup Input string Cleanup ON What to do with intermediate workspaces. Allowed values: [‘Cleanup ON’, ‘Cleanup OFF’]
SubalgorithmLogging Input string Logging OFF Enable or disable subalgorithms to print in the logs. Allowed values: [‘Logging OFF’, ‘Logging ON’]
EPPWorkspace Input TableWorkspace Mandatory Table workspace containing results from the FindEPP algorithm.
DebyeWallerCorrection Input string Correction ON Enable or disable the correction for the Debye-Waller factor for OutputWorkspace. Allowed values: [‘Correction ON’, ‘Correction OFF’]
Temperature Input number Optional Vanadium temperature in Kelvin for Debye-Waller correction, overrides the default value from the sample logs.


This algorithm integrates the workspace given in InputWorkspace using the ComputeCalibrationCoefVan algorithm. It is part of ILL’s direct geometry reduction algorithms.


At the moment, the integration range is fixed to \pm 3 * FWHM (2\sqrt{2 \ln 2}) times the ‘Sigma’ column in EPPWorkspace).

The algorithm will also mask detectors for which the integral is zero. This is to prevent vanadium normalization later in the reduction from injecting infinities in the final S(Q,\omega).

Input workspaces

The InputWorkspace should be loaded using the DirectILLCollectData algorithm. It will also give the EPP workspace needed for EPPWorkspace.

Vanadium temperature

A correction for the Debye-Waller factor is applied to the integrated vanadium, as explained in the documentation of ComputeCalibrationCoefVan. The temperature for the DWF calculation is taken from the sample logs of the InputWorkspace. This value can be overridden by the Temperature property, if needed.


For usage of this algorithm, check the examples here.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | ILL\Direct | Inelastic\Reduction | Workflow\Inelastic