Table of Contents
Performs a diffraction reduction for a set of raw run files for an ISIS indirect spectrometer
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputFiles | Input | str list | Comma separated list of input files formatted as a string; this can also incorporate +, -, or : in the same fashion as any string accepted by Load | |
ContainerFiles | Input | str list | Comma separated list of input files for the empty container runs formatted as a string; this can also incorporate +, -, or : in the same fashion as any string accepted by Load | |
ContainerScaleFactor | Input | number | 1 | Factor by which to scale the container runs. |
CalFile | Input | string | Filename of the .cal file to use in the [[AlignDetectors]] and [[DiffractionFocussing]] child algorithms. | |
InstrumentParFile | Input | string | PAR file containing instrument definition. For VESUVIO only. Allowed extensions: [‘.dat’, ‘.par’] | |
VanadiumFiles | Input | str list | Comma separated array of vanadium runs | |
SumFiles | Input | boolean | False | Enabled to sum spectra from each input file. |
LoadLogFiles | Input | boolean | True | Load log files when loading runs |
Instrument | Input | string | IRIS | Instrument used for run. Allowed values: [‘IRIS’, ‘OSIRIS’, ‘TOSCA’, ‘VESUVIO’] |
Mode | Input | string | diffspec | Diffraction mode used. Allowed values: [‘diffspec’, ‘diffonly’] |
SpectraRange | Input | long list | Range of spectra to use. | |
RebinParam | Input | string | Rebin parameters. | |
GroupingPolicy | Input | string | All | Selects the type of detector grouping to be used. Allowed values: [‘All’, ‘Individual’, ‘Workspace’, ‘IPF’] |
GroupingWorkspace | Input | Workspace | Workspace containing spectra grouping. | |
OutputWorkspace | Output | WorkspaceGroup | Mandatory | Group name for the result workspaces. |
The generic routine used to reduce diffraction runs from indirect geometry inelastic instruments at ISIS.
Example - Running ISISIndirectDiffractionReduction.
ws = mtd['DiffractionReductions'].getItem(0)
print('Workspace name: {}'.format(
print('Number of spectra: {:d}'.format(ws.getNumberHistograms()))
print('Number of bins: {}'.format(ws.blocksize()))
Workspace name: iris21360_diffspec_red
Number of spectra: 1
Number of bins: 1934
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Diffraction\Reduction