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IndirectILLReductionDIFF v1


IndirectILLReductionDIFF dialog.


Performs reduction on IN16B’s diffraction data. Mode is either Doppler or BATS.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SampleRuns Input list of str lists Mandatory File path for run(s). Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The output workspace group containing reduced data.
MaskPixelsFromStart Input number 10 Number of pixels to mask at the start of each tube
MaskPixelsFromEnd Input number 10 Number of pixels to mask at the end of each tube
Observable Input string sample.temperature If multiple files, the parameter from SampleLog to use as an index when conjoined.
Transpose Input boolean True Transpose the result.
Sum Input boolean False Sum along the scan
ComponentsToMask Input string   Comma separated list of component names to mask, for instance: tube_1, tube_2


This algorithm reduces data acquired by the diffraction detectors of IN16B indirect geometry instrument at ILL.

Ultimately, it will handle both BATS and Doppler data, but the later is the only one implemented as of now.


To reduce data acquired in Doppler mode, this algorithms sums data over all Doppler channels and normalize by monitor counts.


Example - IndirectILLReductionDIFF

ws = IndirectILLEnergyTransfer(Run='ILL/IN16B/276047.nxs')
print("Reduced workspace has {:d} spectra".format(ws.getItem(0).getNumberHistograms()))
print("and {:d} bins.".format(ws.getItem(0).blocksize()))


Reduced workspace has 18 spectra
and 512 bins.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | ILL\Indirect