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LRDirectBeamSort v1


LRDirectBeamSort dialog.

Table of Contents


Sort a set of direct beams for the purpose of calculating scaling factors.


Name Direction Type Default Description
RunList Input long list   List of run numbers (integers) to be sorted - takes precedence over WorkspaceList
WorkspaceList Input str list   List of workspace names to be sorted
UseLowResCut Input boolean False If True, an x-direction cut will be determined and used
ComputeScalingFactors Input boolean True If True, the scaling factors will be computed
TOFSteps Input number 200 TOF bin width
WavelengthOffset Input number 0 Wavelength offset used for TOF range determination
IncidentMedium Input string Air Name of the incident medium
OrderDirectBeamsByRunNumber Input boolean False Force the sequence of direct beam files to be ordered by run number
ScalingFactorFile Input string   Scaling factor file to be created. Allowed values: [‘cfg’]
OrderedRunList Output long list   Ordered list of run numbers
OrderedNameList Output str list   Ordered list of workspace names corresponding to the run list
SlitTolerance Input number 0.02 Tolerance for matching slit positions


Sort a set of direct beams for the purpose of calculating scaling factors. By setting ComputeScalingFactors to True, the scaling factors will be computed.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS