Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
RunList | Input | long list | List of run numbers (integers) to be sorted - takes precedence over WorkspaceList | |
WorkspaceList | Input | str list | List of workspace names to be sorted | |
UseLowResCut | Input | boolean | False | If True, an x-direction cut will be determined and used |
ComputeScalingFactors | Input | boolean | True | If True, the scaling factors will be computed |
TOFSteps | Input | number | 200 | TOF bin width |
WavelengthOffset | Input | number | 0 | Wavelength offset used for TOF range determination |
IncidentMedium | Input | string | Air | Name of the incident medium |
OrderDirectBeamsByRunNumber | Input | boolean | False | Force the sequence of direct beam files to be ordered by run number |
ScalingFactorFile | Input | string | Scaling factor file to be created. Allowed values: [‘cfg’] | |
OrderedRunList | Output | long list | Ordered list of run numbers | |
OrderedNameList | Output | str list | Ordered list of workspace names corresponding to the run list | |
SlitTolerance | Input | number | 0.02 | Tolerance for matching slit positions |
Sort a set of direct beams for the purpose of calculating scaling factors. By setting ComputeScalingFactors to True, the scaling factors will be computed.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS
Python: LRDirectBeamSort.py