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LRReflectivityOutput v1


LRReflectivityOutput dialog.

Table of Contents


Produce a single reflectivity curve from multiple reflectivity ranges.


Name Direction Type Default Description
ReducedWorkspaces Input str list   List of workspace names of reduced reflectivity parts to be put together
SpecularCutoff Input number 0.01 Q-value under which we should below the specular ridge
ScaleToUnity Input boolean True If true, the reflectivity under the Q given cutoff will be scaled to 1
ScalingWavelengthCutoff Input number 10 Wavelength above which the scaling factors are assumed to be one
OutputBinning Input dbl list 0.005,-0.01,1  
DQConstant Input number 0.0004 Constant factor for the resolution dQ = dQ0 + Q dQ/Q
DQSlope Input number 0.025 Slope for the resolution dQ = dQ0 + Q dQ/Q
ComputeDQ Input boolean True If true, the Q resolution will be computed
FrontSlitName Input string S1 Name of the front slit
OutputFilename Input string Mandatory Name of the reflectivity file output. Allowed values: [‘txt’]
MetaData Input string   Additional meta-data to add to the top of the output file


Produces a single reflectivity curve from multiple reflectivity ranges. The algorithm can scale the specular plateau to unity. It will also write out the Q resolution.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS