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LRSubtractAverageBackground v1


LRSubtractAverageBackground dialog.

Table of Contents


Liquids Reflectometer background subtraction using the average on each side of the peak.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input Workspace Mandatory The workspace to check.
PeakRange Input long list 150,160 Pixel range defining the reflectivity peak
BackgroundRange Input long list 147,163 Pixel range defining the outer range of the background on each side of the peak
LowResolutionRange Input long list 94,160 Pixel range defining the low-resolution axis to integrate over
SumPeak Input boolean False If True, the resulting peak will be summed
ErrorWeighting Input boolean False If True, a weighted average is used to to estimate the background. Otherwise, a simple average is used.
TypeOfDetector Input string 2D-Detector The type of detector used. Allowed values: [‘2D-Detector’, ‘LinearDetector’]
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory The workspace to check.


Used in the Liquids Reflectometer reduction at the SNS, this algorithm compute and subtracts the background from the reflectivity peak.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Reflectometry\SNS