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LoadILLReflectometry v1


LoadILLReflectometry dialog.


Loads an ILL reflectometry Nexus file (instrument D17 or FIGARO).


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory Name of the Nexus file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Name of the output workspace
ForegroundPeakCentre Input number Optional Foreground peak position in fractional workspace index (if not given the peak is searched for and fitted).
DetectorCentreFractionalIndex Input number 127.5 The fractional workspace index of the geometric centre of the detector at incident beam axis (127.5 for D17 and Figaro).
Measurement Input string DirectBeam Load as direct or reflected beam. Allowed values: [‘DirectBeam’, ‘ReflectedBeam’]
BraggAngle Input number Optional The bragg angle necessary for reflected beam.
FitStartWorkspaceIndex Input number 0 Start workspace index used for peak fitting.
FitEndWorkspaceIndex Input number 255 End workspace index used for peak fitting.
FitRangeLower Input number -1 Minimum wavelength used for peak fitting.
FitRangeUpper Input number -1 Maximum wavelength used for peak fitting.
XUnit Input string Wavelength X unit of the OutputWorkspace. Allowed values: [‘Wavelength’, ‘TimeOfFlight’]


Loads data of a Nexus file obtained from an ILL reflectometry instrument D17 or FIGARO into a Workspace2D. Both time-of-flight and monochromatic instrument configurations are supported. In general, this loader reads detector and monitor counts and adds x-axis and error values. The output workspace contains histogram data. The x-axis can have units in time-of-flight or wavelength with non-varying and varying bins, respectively. The conversion to wavelength uses the algorithm ConvertUnits v1. Detector indices and spectrum numbers start with zero like workspace indices.

Time of flight axis

The chopper values are used for computing the time-of-flight values for the bin edges x_i by the following equation:

x_{i} = \left( i + 0.5 \right) w_{\mathrm{channel}} + \Delta_{t, \mathrm{tof}} - 60^{\circ} \cdot \frac{ p_{\mathrm{off}} - 45^{\circ} + \Omega_{c2} - \Omega_{c1} + \Delta_{\mathrm{open}} }{ 2 \cdot 360^{\circ} \cdot v_{c1} } \cdot 10^{6},

with the following variables: channel width w_{\mathrm{channel}}, time-of-flight delay \Delta_{t, \mathrm{tof}}, offset p_{\mathrm{off}}, phase of second chopper \Omega_{c2}, phase of first chopper \Omega_{c1}, open offset \Delta_{\mathrm{open}} and velocity of first chopper v_{c1}.


The loader can load both types of data: direct and reflected beam. In both cases the foreground centre will be fitted. In case of direct beam, the detector will be rotated around the sample such that the fractional workspace index of the foreground centre will appear at 0 scattering angle. In case of reflected beam, BraggAngle is mandatory, and the detector will be driven such that the foreground centre will appear at 2*BraggAngle.



To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In Mantid this is done using Manage User Directories.

Example - ReflectedBeam:

import numpy
# Load ILL d17 data file (TOF mode) into a workspace 2D using a user-defined angle of 5.5 degrees:
ws2 = LoadILLReflectometry('ILL/D17/317370.nxs', Measurement='ReflectedBeam', BraggAngle=5.5)
detId = 202 # the foreground centre is around 202
det = ws2.getInstrument().getDetector(detId)
angleDet = ws2.detectorTwoTheta(det) / numpy.pi * 180

print("Pixel at detector ID {} was rotated to {:.1f} degrees.".format(detId, angleDet))


Pixel at detector ID 202 was rotated to 11.0 degrees.

Example - Direct Beam

import numpy
directBeamWS = LoadILLReflectometry('ILL/D17/317369.nxs')
detId = 202 # the foreground centre is around 202
det = directBeamWS.getInstrument().getDetector(detId)
angleDet = directBeamWS.detectorTwoTheta(det) / numpy.pi * 180

print("Pixel at detector ID {} was rotated to {:.1f} degrees.".format(detId, angleDet))


Pixel at detector ID 202 was rotated to 0.0 degrees.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Nexus | ILL\Reflectometry