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LoadIsawSpectrum v1


LoadIsawSpectrum dialog.


Load incident spectrum and detector efficiency correction file.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SpectraFile Input string Mandatory Incident spectrum and detector efficiency correction file. Allowed extensions: [‘.dat’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory An output Workspace containing spectra for each detector bank.
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Optional: An input workspace with the instrument we want to use.
InstrumentName Input string   Optional: Name of the instrument to base the GroupingWorkspace on which to base the GroupingWorkspace.
InstrumentFilename Input string   Optional: Path to the instrument definition file on which to base the GroupingWorkspace. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]


Load incident spectrum and detector efficiency correction file containing spectra for each detector. The spectra are created by “TOPAZ_spectrum.py” from files of vanadium or TiZr and background.


#Write a ISAW Spectrum file
import mantid
f.write("# Column  Unit    Quantity\n")
f.write("# ------  ------  --------\n")
f.write("#      1  us      time-of-flight\n")
f.write("#      2  counts  counts per us corrected for vanadium rod absorption\n")
f.write("#      3  A       wavelength\n")
f.write("#      4  counts  counts per us uncorrected for absorption\n")
f.write("#      5          transmission\n")
f.write("Bank 1     DetNum 17\n")
f.write("      400.000      -23.878       0.0856      -22.409       0.9385\n")
f.write("      401.600      -23.878       0.0859      -22.409       0.9385\n")
f.write("      403.200      -23.879       0.0863      -22.409       0.9385\n")
f.write("      404.800      -23.879       0.0866      -22.409       0.9385\n")
f.write("      406.400      -23.879       0.0870      -22.409       0.9384\n")
f.write("      408.000      -21.966       0.0873      -20.614       0.9384\n")

ow = LoadIsawSpectrum(SpectraFile=filename,InstrumentName="TOPAZ")

    #check the results
print("x= {}".format(ow.readX(0)))
print("y= {}".format(ow.readY(0)))


x= [ 399.2  400.8  402.4  404.   405.6  407.2  408.8]
y= [-0.00471167 -0.00471167 -0.00471187 -0.00471187 -0.00471187 -0.00433439]

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Crystal\DataHandling | DataHandling\Text