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LoadLLB v1


LoadLLB dialog.


Loads LLB nexus file.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory The name of the Nexus file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’, ‘.hdf’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name to use for the output workspace


Loads an LLB MIBEMOL TOF NeXus file into a Workspace2D with the given name.

This loader calculates the elastic peak position (EPP) on the fly.

To date this algorithm only supports the MIBEMOL instrument.


Example - Load a LLB MIBEMOL NeXus file: (see LoadLLB v1 for more options)

# Load the MIBEMOL dataset into a workspace2D.
ws = Load('LLB_d22418.nxs')

print("This workspace has {} dimensions and its title is: ".format(ws.getNumDims(), ws.getTitle()))


This workspace has 2 dimensions and its title is: Lysozyme/D2O (c=80 mg/ml) Treg=293 K, Tch=288 K wl=5.2A sous pression (4.5 kbar)

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Nexus


C++ header: LoadLLB.h

C++ source: LoadLLB.cpp