Processing math: 100%

LoadMappingTable v1


LoadMappingTable dialog.


Builds up the mapping between spectrum number and the detector objects in the instrument Geometry.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory The name of the RAW file from which to obtain the mapping information, including its full or relative path.
Workspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the input and output workspace on which to perform the algorithm.


Loads the mapping table between spectra and detectors from a RAW file. It fills the spectra to detector map object contained in a workspace. This algorithm will fail if the workspace does not already point to a full instrument geometry (which usually means it must be run after LoadInstrument v1 or LoadInstrumentFromRaw v1).

The association is one to many, i.e. a spectrum can have one or many detectors contributing to it. Alternatively the same spectrum can contribute to different spectra (for example in DAE2 (Data Acquisition Electronic) when a spectra containing electronically focussed data is created simultaneously with individual spectra).


# Create a workspace
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
# Replace the instrument in the workspace with HRPD
LoadInstrument(ws,InstrumentName='HRPD', RewriteSpectraMap=True)
# Map spectra to detectors according to an HRPD raw file.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Instrument | DataHandling\Raw