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LoadPreNexusMonitors v1


LoadPreNexusMonitors dialog.


This is a routine to load in the beam monitors from SNS preNeXus files into a workspace.

See Also

LoadEventPreNexus, LoadPreNexus

This algorithm is also known as: LoadPreNeXusMonitors


Name Direction Type Default Description
RunInfoFilename Input string Mandatory The filename of the runinfo file for a particular run. Allowed Values are: _runinfo.xml. Allowed extensions: [‘_runinfo.xml’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The workspace to load the monitors into.


This algorithm reads in the filenames of the monitors from the runinfo file. It will only work with histogram monitors and assumes that all monitors are on the same time axis. It also assumes that the beam monitor files are in the same directory as the runinfo file.


Example - Loading PreNexus Monitors

# CNCS_7860_runinfo.xml references 3 beam monitor files.
monitor_ws = LoadPreNexusMonitors("CNCS_7860_runinfo.xml")

print("The resulting workspace contains {} spectra -- one for each monitor.".format(monitor_ws.getNumberHistograms()))


The resulting workspace contains 3 spectra -- one for each monitor.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\PreNexus