Processing math: 0%


ReflectometryILLAutoProcess v1


ReflectometryILLAutoProcess dialog.


Performs reduction of ILL reflectometry data, instruments D17 and FIGARO.


This algorithm executes the full data reduction for ILL reflectometers D17 and FIGARO in TOF mode (specular reflection) following [1].


The mandatory inputs are comma separated list of nexus files for direct and reflected beam measurements. , stands as the separator of different angle configurations. + (sum) or - (range sum) operations can be used to sum different files at the same instrument configuration. When summing the metadata (e.g. acquisition time) will also be summed, so that the subsequent normalisation is handled correctly. There must be the same number of angle configurations both for direct and reflected beam inputs.


The output is a workspace group that contains the calculated reflectivity curves as a function of the momentum transfer. The output is point data and has the calculated Q resolution attributed to it. There is a separate output for each angle configuration. An automatically stitched result is also produced. Stitch in this case just takes the union of all the initial points without merging or removal, only scaling can be applied. The outputs can be readily saved by SaveReflectometryAscii algorithm for further analysis.

Bragg Angle

If user specified \theta angles are provided, they will be used. Otherwise SampleAngle or DetectorAngle (default) option is executed.

Summation Type

The default summation type is incoherent (sum along constant \lambda), where the reflectivity curve is calculated by dividing the summed foreground of the reflected beam by the summed foreground of the direct beam. For coherent summing, first the reflected beam data is divided by the direct beam data in 2D, then the ratio is summed along the lines of the constant Q_{z}.


Many options can be specified as a single value, which will be applied to all the angle configurations, or as a list of values. In the case of the latter, the list must be of the same size, as many different angle configurations there are.

Direct Beam Caching

The processed direct beam runs can be cached in Analysis Data Service in order to save significant time when multiple samples correspond to the same direct beam with the same processing configurations. The name for the cached direct beam runs are derived from the run numbers; it is the run number if there is only one numor, or the first run number if there are several numors summed. Both the processed direct beam, and its summed foreground are cached. Care must be taken when enabling the caching, since if the same direct beam must be used with different options (e.g. different wavelength ranges) for different reflected beams, the caching will result in an error in subsequent reduction steps due to incompatibility of the workspaces. In such case the caching must be disabled, or one has to clean the cache manually by deleting the corresponding workspaces.



To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In Mantid this is done using Manage User Directories.

Example - Single Angle

ws = ReflectometryILLAutoProcess(
print('The R(Q) workspace has {0} points'.format(ws.getItem(0).blocksize()))
The R(Q) workspace has 672 points

Example - Multiple Angles

ws = ReflectometryILLAutoProcess(
print('The R(Q) workspace at first angle has {0} points'.format(ws.getItem(0).blocksize()))
print('The R(Q) workspace at second angle has {0} points'.format(ws.getItem(1).blocksize()))
print('The R(Q) workspace at second angle has {0} points'.format(ws.getItem(2).blocksize()))
The R(Q) workspace at first angle has 186 points
The R(Q) workspace at second angle has 94 points
The R(Q) workspace at second angle has 280 points

Example - Full treatment with 3 angles and multiple numors summed

from mantid.simpleapi import *
config['default.facility'] = 'ILL'
config['default.instrument'] = 'D17'
name = 'Thick_HR_5'
directBeams = '397812,397806,397808'
reflectedBeams = '397826+397827,397828,397829+397830+397831+397832'
foregroundWidth = [4,5,8]
wavelengthLower = [3., 1.6, 2.]
wavelengthUpper = [27., 25., 25.]
angleOffset = 2
angleWidth = 10
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots'classic')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 7)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 18
wsMantid = mtd['Thick_HR_5_stitched']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})
ax.plot(wsMantid, 'b', label="RoundRobin")
ax.errorbar(wsMantid,'rs', 'b', markersize=0.1, label=None)
ax.set_xlim(0.01, 0.2)
ax.set_ylim(0.000001, 2.)
ax.set_xlabel('Q [$\AA^{-1}$]')


[1]P. Gutfreund, T. Saerbeck, M. A. Gonzalez, E. Pellegrini, M. Laver, C. Dewhurst, R. Cubitt, Towards generalized data reduction on a chopper-based time-of-flight neutron reflectometer. J. Appl. Cryst. (2018). 51, 606-615,


Name Direction Type Default Description
PolarizationOption Input string NonPolarized Indicate whether measurements are polarized. Allowed values: [‘NonPolarized’, ‘Polarized’]
Run Input list of str lists   A list of reflected run numbers/files. Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
Run00 Input list of str lists   A list of reflected run numbers/files for 00 (or 0). Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
Run01 Input list of str lists   A list of reflected run numbers/files for 01. Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
Run10 Input list of str lists   A list of reflected run numbers/files for 10. Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
Run11 Input list of str lists   A list of reflected run numbers/files for 11 (or 1). Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
PolarizationEfficiencyFile Input string   A file containing the polarization efficiency factors.
DirectRun Input list of str lists Mandatory A list of direct run numbers/files. Allowed values: [‘nxs’]
OutputWorkspace Output WorkspaceGroup Mandatory The output workspace group.
DirectFlatBackground Input string Background Average Flat background calculation method for background subtraction. Allowed values: [‘Background Average’, ‘Background Constant Fit’, ‘Background Linear Fit’, ‘Background OFF’]
ReflFlatBackground Input string Background Average Flat background calculation method for background subtraction. Allowed values: [‘Background Average’, ‘Background Constant Fit’, ‘Background Linear Fit’, ‘Background OFF’]
SubalgorithmLogging Input string Logging OFF Enable or disable child algorithm logging. Allowed values: [‘Logging OFF’, ‘Logging ON’]
Cleanup Input string Cleanup ON Enable or disable intermediate workspace cleanup. Allowed values: [‘Cleanup ON’, ‘Cleanup OFF’]
WaterWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   A (water) calibration workspace (unit TOF).
SlitNormalisation Input string Slit Normalisation AUTO Enable or disable slit normalisation. Allowed values: [‘Slit Normalisation AUTO’, ‘Slit Normalisation OFF’, ‘Slit Normalisation ON’]
FluxNormalisation Input string Normalise To Time Neutron flux normalisation method. Allowed values: [‘Normalise To Time’, ‘Normalise To Monitor’, ‘Normalisation OFF’]
GlobalScaleFactor Input number 1 Scale factor.
UseManualScaleFactors Input boolean False Choose to apply manual scale factors for stitching.
ManualScaleFactors Input dbl list   A list of manual scale factors for stitching (number of anlge configurations minus 1)
CacheDirectBeam Input boolean False Cache the processed direct beam in ADS for ready use with further reflected beams;saves important execution time, however assumes that the direct beam processing configuration must be invariant for different reflected beams.
AngleOption Input str list DetectorAngle Angle option used for detector positioning
Theta Input dbl list -1 A user-defined angle theta in degree
SummationType Input str list Incoherent Type of summation to perform
WavelengthLowerBound Input dbl list 2 The lower wavelength bound (Angstrom)
WavelengthUpperBound Input dbl list 30 The upper wavelength bound (Angstrom)
DeltaQFractionBinning Input dbl list 0.5 If set, group the output by steps of this fraction multiplied by Q resolution
DirectLowAngleFrgHalfWidth Input long list 2 Number of foreground pixels at lower angles from the centre pixel.
DirectLowAngleBkgOffset Input long list 5 Distance of flat background region towards smaller detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels
DirectLowAngleBkgWidth Input long list 5 Width of flat background region towards smaller detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels
DirectHighAngleFrgHalfWidth Input long list 2 Number of foreground pixels at higher angles from the centre pixel.
DirectHighAngleBkgOffset Input long list 5 Distance of flat background region towards larger detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels
DirectHighAngleBkgWidth Input long list 5 Width of flat background region towards larger detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels
DirectFitStartWorkspaceIndex Input long list 0 Start histogram index used for peak fitting
DirectFitEndWorkspaceIndex Input long list 255 Last histogram index used for peak fitting
DirectFitWavelengthLowerBound Input number -1 Minimum x value (unit wavelength) used for peak fitting.
DirectFitWavelengthUpperBound Input number -1 Maximum x value (unit wavelength) used for peak fitting.
ReflLowAngleFrgHalfWidth Input long list 2 Number of foreground pixels at lower angles from the centre pixel.
ReflLowAngleBkgOffset Input long list 5 Distance of flat background region towards smaller detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels.
ReflLowAngleBkgWidth Input long list 5 Width of flat background region towards smaller detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels
ReflHighAngleFrgHalfWidth Input long list 2 Number of foreground pixels at higher angles from the centre pixel.
ReflHighAngleBkgOffset Input long list 5 Distance of flat background region towards larger detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels
ReflHighAngleBkgWidth Input long list 5 Width of flat background region towards larger detector angles from the foreground centre, in pixels.
ReflFitStartWorkspaceIndex Input long list 0 Start histogram index used for peak fitting
ReflFitEndWorkspaceIndex Input long list 255 Last histogram index used for peak fitting
ReflFitWavelengthLowerBound Input dbl list -1 Minimum x value (unit wavelength) used for peak fitting
ReflFitWavelengthUpperBound Input dbl list -1 Maximum x value (unit wavelength) used for peak fitting

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | ILL\Reflectometry | ILL\Auto | Workflow\Reflectometry