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SaveNexusPD v1


SaveNexusPD dialog.


Save powder diffraction data to a NeXus file


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input Workspace Mandatory Workspace to save
OutputFilename Input string Mandatory Name of the savefile. Allowed extensions: [‘.h5’]
NXentry Input string   Overrides the NXentry name from the workspace name
DataType Input string float32 All data saved will be converted to this type. Allowed values: [‘float32’, ‘float64’]
Compression Input string gzip Algorithm for compressing data. Allowed values: [‘gzip’, ‘lzf’, ‘None’]
WriteMomentumTransfer Input boolean True Add the momentum transfer (Q) axis to the file
ProtonChargeUnits Input string uA.hour Allowed values: [‘uA.hour’, ‘C’, ‘pC’]
Append Input boolean False  


The file created by this algorithm saves a single workspace in a single NXentry of a NeXus file. The x-axes are saved in time-of-flight, d-spacing, and (optionally) momentum transfer. The file is formatted to support the rules for NXdata, NXdetector, and simple plotting. Fields that appear to be in the file twice are actually hard links to the same object. The format of the file (for a workspace with a single spectrum is described with the tree (starting inside the NXentry)

  • NXinstrument
    • NXmoderator
      • distance - commonly referred to as L1 in diffraction
    • NXdetector
      • data
      • errors
      • tof
      • dspacing
      • Q - values are stored in reverse so they are parallel to the data array
      • distance - commonly referred to as L2 in diffraction
      • polar_angle - commonly referred to as two-theta in diffraction
      • azimuthal_angle - out of plane angle
  • NXdata
    • data
    • errors
    • tof
    • dspacing
    • Q
  • proton_charge the accumulated charge for the data

A description of the NeXus coordinate system contains images describing the coordinates.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Nexus