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SetupEQSANSReduction v1


SetupEQSANSReduction dialog.

Table of Contents


Set up EQSANS SANS reduction options.


Name Direction Type Default Description
UseConfigTOFCuts Input boolean False If true, the edges of the TOF distribution will be cut according to the configuration file
LowTOFCut Input number 0 TOF value below which events will not be loaded into the workspace at load-time
HighTOFCut Input number 0 TOF value above which events will not be loaded into the workspace at load-time
WavelengthStep Input number 0.1 Wavelength steps to be used when rebinning the data before performing the reduction
UseConfigMask Input boolean False If true, the masking information found in the configuration file will be used
UseConfig Input boolean True If true, the best configuration file found will be used
CorrectForFlightPath Input boolean False If true, the TOF will be modified for the true flight path from the sample to the detector pixel
SkipTOFCorrection Input boolean False If true, the EQSANS TOF correction will be skipped
PreserveEvents Input boolean False If true, the output workspace will be an event workspace
SampleDetectorDistance Input number Optional Sample to detector distance to use (overrides meta data), in mm
SampleDetectorDistanceOffset Input number Optional Offset to the sample to detector distance (use only when using the detector distance found in the meta data), in mm
SampleOffset Input number Optional Offset applies to the sample position (use only when using the detector distance found in the meta data), in mm
DetectorOffset Input number Optional Offset applies to the detector position (use only when using the distance found in the meta data), in mm
SolidAngleCorrection Input boolean True If true, the solid angle correction will be applied to the data
DetectorTubes Input boolean False If true, the solid angle correction for tube detectors will be applied
LoadNexusInstrumentXML Input boolean True Reads the embedded Instrument XML from the NeXus file (optional, default True).
BeamCenterMethod Input string None Method for determining the data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’]
UseConfigBeam Input boolean False If True, the beam center will be taken from the config file
BeamCenterX Input number Optional Position of the beam center, in pixel
BeamCenterY Input number Optional Position of the beam center, in pixel
BeamCenterFile Input string   The name of the input event Nexus file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
BeamRadius Input number Optional Radius of the beam area used the exclude the beam when calculating the center of mass of the scattering pattern [pixels]. Default=3.0
Normalisation Input string BeamProfileAndCharge Options for data normalisation. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Monitor’, ‘BeamProfileAndCharge’, ‘Charge’]
LoadMonitors Input boolean False If true, the monitor workspace will be loaded
MonitorReferenceFile Input string   The name of the beam monitor reference file used for normalisation. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
DarkCurrentFile Input string   The name of the input event Nexus file to load as dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
SensitivityFile Input string   Flood field or sensitivity file. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
MinEfficiency Input number Optional Minimum efficiency for a pixel to be considered (default: no minimum).
MaxEfficiency Input number Optional Maximum efficiency for a pixel to be considered (default: no maximum).
UseDefaultDC Input boolean True If true, the dark current subtracted from the sample data will also be subtracted from the flood field.
SensitivityDarkCurrentFile Input string   The name of the input file to load as dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’]
SensitivityBeamCenterMethod Input string None Method for determining the sensitivity data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’]
SensitivityBeamCenterX Input number Optional Sensitivity beam center location in X [pixels]
SensitivityBeamCenterY Input number Optional Sensitivity beam center location in Y [pixels]
SensitivityBeamCenterFile Input string   The name of the input data file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
SensitivityBeamCenterRadius Input number Optional Radius of the beam area used the exclude the beam when calculating the center of mass of the scattering pattern [pixels]. Default=3.0
OutputSensitivityWorkspace Input string   Name to give the sensitivity workspace
TransmissionMethod Input string Value Transmission determination method. Allowed values: [‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’]
TransmissionValue Input number Optional Transmission value.
TransmissionError Input number Optional Transmission error.
TransmissionBeamRadius Input number 3 Radius of the beam area used to compute the transmission [pixels]
TransmissionSampleDataFile Input string   Sample data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
TransmissionEmptyDataFile Input string   Empty data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
FitFramesTogether Input boolean False If true, the two frames will be fit together
TransmissionBeamCenterMethod Input string None Method for determining the transmission data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’]
TransmissionBeamCenterX Input number Optional Transmission beam center location in X [pixels]
TransmissionBeamCenterY Input number Optional Transmission beam center location in Y [pixels]
TransmissionBeamCenterFile Input string   The name of the input data file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
TransmissionDarkCurrentFile Input string   The name of the input data file to load as transmission dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
TransmissionUseSampleDC Input boolean True If true, the sample dark current will be used IF a dark current file isnot set.
ThetaDependentTransmission Input boolean True If true, a theta-dependent transmission correction will be applied.
BackgroundFiles Input string   Background data files
BckTransmissionMethod Input string Value Transmission determination method. Allowed values: [‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’]
BckTransmissionValue Input number Optional Transmission value.
BckTransmissionError Input number Optional Transmission error.
BckTransmissionBeamRadius Input number 3 Radius of the beam area used to compute the transmission [pixels]
BckTransmissionSampleDataFile Input string   Sample data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
BckTransmissionEmptyDataFile Input string   Empty data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
BckFitFramesTogether Input boolean False If true, the two frames will be fit together
BckTransmissionBeamCenterMethod Input string None Method for determining the transmission data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’]
BckTransmissionBeamCenterX Input number Optional Transmission beam center location in X [pixels]
BckTransmissionBeamCenterY Input number Optional Transmission beam center location in Y [pixels]
BckTransmissionBeamCenterFile Input string   The name of the input data file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
BckTransmissionDarkCurrentFile Input string   The name of the input data file to load as background transmission dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
BckThetaDependentTransmission Input boolean True If true, a theta-dependent transmission correction will be applied.
SampleThickness Input number Optional Sample thickness [cm]
MaskedDetectorList Input int list   List of detector IDs to be masked
MaskedEdges Input int list   Number of pixels to mask on the edges: X-low, X-high, Y-low, Y-high
MaskedSide Input string None Mask one side of the detector. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Front’, ‘Back’]
AbsoluteScaleMethod Input string None Absolute scale correction method. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘ReferenceData’]
AbsoluteScalingFactor Input number 1 Absolute scaling factor
AbsoluteScalingReferenceFilename Input string   Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
AbsoluteScalingBeamDiameter Input number 0 Beamstop diameter for computing the absolute scale factor [mm]. Read from file if not supplied.
AbsoluteScalingAttenuatorTrans Input number 1 Attenuator transmission value for computing the absolute scale factor
AbsoluteScalingApplySensitivity Input boolean False Apply sensitivity correction to the reference data when computing the absolute scale factor
DoAzimuthalAverage Input boolean True  
IQNumberOfBins Input number 100 Number of I(q) bins when binning is not specified
IQLogBinning Input boolean False I(q) log binning when binning is not specified
IQIndependentBinning Input boolean True If true and frame skipping is used, each frame will have its own binning
IQScaleResults Input boolean True If true and frame skipping is used, frame 1 will be scaled to frame 2
ComputeResolution Input boolean False If true the Q resolution will be computed
SampleApertureDiameter Input number 10 Sample aperture diameter [mm]
Do2DReduction Input boolean True  
IQ2DNumberOfBins Input number 100 Number of I(qx,qy) bins.
ProcessInfo Input string   Additional process information
OutputDirectory Input string   Directory to put the output files in
OutputMessage Output string    
ReductionProperties Input string __sans_reduction_properties  


Create a PropertyManager object setting the reduction options for EQSANS. The property manager object is then added to the PropertyManagerDataService.

See SANSReduction for details.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\SANS