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StatisticsOfTableWorkspace v1


StatisticsOfTableWorkspace dialog.


Calcuates columns statistics of a table workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input TableWorkspace Mandatory Input table workspace.
ColumnIndices Input long list   Comma separated list of column indices for which statistics will be separated
OutputWorkspace Output TableWorkspace Mandatory Output workspace containing column statistics.


Calculates mean, median, maximum, minimum and standard deviation for each numerical column of a table workspace.


Example - Getting statistics of a table workspace.

ws = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace()
ws.addColumn('int', 'a')
ws.addColumn('float', 'b')
ws.addRow([1, 3.2])
ws.addRow([2, 3.4])
ws.addRow([3, 3.6])
ws.addRow([4, 3.8])

stats = StatisticsOfTableWorkspace(ws)

for idx in range(stats.rowCount()):
    stat_name = stats.column('Statistic')[idx]
    stat_value = stats.column('a')[idx]
    print('%s of column \'a\' is %.3f' % (stat_name, stat_value))


StandardDev of column 'a' is 1.118
Minimum of column 'a' is 1.000
Median of column 'a' is 2.500
Maximum of column 'a' is 4.000
Mean of column 'a' is 2.500

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Utility\Workspaces