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VelocityAutoCorrelations v1


VelocityAutoCorrelations dialog.


Imports trajectory data from an nMoldyn-generated .nc file and calculates velocity auto-correlations.Analogous in some respects to the algorithm found in nMoldyn. Timestep must be specified in femtoseconds.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputFile Input string Mandatory Input .nc file with an MMTK trajectory
Timestep Input string 1.0 Specify the timestep between trajectory points in the simulation in fs
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory Output workspace name


Loads a netcdf file generated by nMoldyn containing MMTK format trajectories. The algorithm calculates, sums and averages velocity auto-correlations of every type of particle. The correlations are not properly scaled with incoherent scattering lengths as of version 1.0.


Velocity auto-correlations calculated for sodium fluoride.



AutoCorr = VelocityAutoCorrelations(InputFile = '',
                                                        Timestep = '2.0')

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Simulation