

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::BoxController.

class mantid.api.BoxController
getAverageDepth((BoxController)self) → float :

Return the average recursion depth of gridding.

getFilename((BoxController)self) → str :

Return the full path to the file open as the file-based back or empty string if no file back-end is initiated

getMaxDepth((BoxController)self) → int :

Return the max recursion depth allowed for grid box splitting.

getNDims((BoxController)self) → int :

Get # of dimensions

getSplitInto((BoxController)self, (int)dim) → int :

Return into how many to split along a dimension

getSplitThreshold((BoxController)self) → int :

Return the splitting threshold, in # of events

getTotalNumMDBoxes((BoxController)self) → int :

Return the total number of MD Boxes, irrespective of depth

getTotalNumMDGridBoxes((BoxController)self) → int :

Return the total number of MDGridBox’es, irrespective of depth

isFileBacked((BoxController)self) → bool :

Return True if the MDEventWorkspace is backed by a file

useWriteBuffer((BoxController)self) → bool :

Return true if the MRU should be used