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This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager.

class mantid.kernel.IPropertyManager
declareProperty((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name, (object)value) → None :

Create a new named property

existsProperty((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name) → bool :

Returns whether a property exists

get((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name, (object)value) → Property :

Returns the property of the given name. Use .value to give the value. If property with given name does not exist, returns given default value.

getProperties((IPropertyManager)self) → std_vector_property :

Returns the list of properties managed by this object

getProperty((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name) → Property :

Returns the property of the given name. Use .value to give the value

getPropertyValue((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name) → str :

Returns a string representation of the named property’s value

has_key((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name) → bool :

Returns whether a property exists

keys((IPropertyManager)self) → list
propertyCount((IPropertyManager)self) → int :

Returns the number of properties being managed

setProperties((IPropertyManager)self, (dict)kwargs) → None :

Set a collection of properties from a dict

setProperty((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name, (object)value) → None :

Set the value of the named property

setPropertyGroup((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name, (str)group) → None :

Set the group for a given property

setPropertySettings((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name, (IPropertySettings)settingsManager) → None :

Assign the given IPropertySettings object to the named property

setPropertyValue((IPropertyManager)self, (str)name, (str)value) → None :

Set the value of the named property via a string

values((IPropertyManager)self) → std_vector_property :

Returns the list of properties managed by this object