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This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::V3D.

class mantid.kernel.V3D
X((V3D)self) → float :

Returns the X coordinate

Y((V3D)self) → float :

Returns the Y coordinate

Z((V3D)self) → float :

Returns the Z coordinate

angle((V3D)self, (V3D)other) → float :

Returns the angle between this vector and another

cosAngle((V3D)self, (V3D)other) → float :

Returns cos(angle) between this vector and another

cross_prod((V3D)self, (V3D)other) → V3D :

Computes the cross product between this and another vector

directionAngles((V3D)self[, (bool)inDegrees]) → V3D :

Calculate direction angles from direction cosines

distance((V3D)self, (V3D)other) → float :

Returns the distance between this vector and another

getX((V3D)self) → float :

Returns the X coordinate

getY((V3D)self) → float :

Returns the Y coordinate

getZ((V3D)self) → float :

Returns the Z coordinate

norm((V3D)self) → float :

Calculates the length of the vector

norm2((V3D)self) → float :

Calculates the squared length of the vector

scalar_prod((V3D)self, (V3D)other) → float :

Computes the scalar product between this and another vector

zenith((V3D)self, (V3D)other) → float :

Returns the zenith between this vector and another