A back-to-back exponential convoluted pseudo-voigt function is defined as:
where Ω is defined to be
given that
η is approximated by
erfc is the complementary error function and E1 is the exponential integral with complex argument given by
The parameters A and B represent the absolute value of the exponential rise and decay constants (modelling the neutron pulse coming from the moderator) and S represent the standard deviation of the gaussian. The parameter X0 is the location of the peak; more specifically it represent the point where the exponentially modelled neutron pulse goes from being exponentially rising to exponentially decaying. I is the integrated intensity.
For information about how to convert Fullprof back-to-back exponential parameters into those used for this function see CreateBackToBackParameters. For information about how to create parameters from a GSAS parameter file see CreateBackToBackParametersGSAS.
Name | Default | Description |
X0 | -0.0 | Location of the peak |
Intensity | 0.0 | Integrated intensity |
Alpha | 0.04 | Exponential rise |
Beta | 0.02 | Exponential decay |
Sigma2 | 1.0 | Sigma squared |
Gamma | 0.0 |
Categories: FitFunctions | Peak