The GaussianComptonProfile function describes the Compton profile of a nucleus using a Gaussian approximation convoluted with an instrument resolution function, that is approximated by a Voigt function. The function approximates the Count rate, C(t) as [1],
for the given mass, M, JM is approximated using a Gaussian and RM is the resolution function. In Equation ???, the term AM is proportional to the scattering intensity and [E0I(E0)q](t) depends on the incident neutron spectrum, which are both obtained the input workspace to the fit.
The Gaussian approximation, JM, takes two input parameters,
The instrument resolution, RM, is approximated by a Voigt function using the VesuvioResolution function.
Name | Default | Description |
Mass | 0.0 | Atomic mass (amu) |
Width | 1.0 | Gaussian width parameter |
Intensity | 1.0 | Gaussian intensity parameter |
[1] Mayers J, Abdul-Redah T. The measurement of anomalous neutron inelastic cross-sections at electronvolt energy transfers. J Phys: Condens Matter 2004;16:4811–32.
Categories: FitFunctions | General