Keren’s generalization of the Abragam relaxation function to a longitudinal field, for fitting the time-dependent muon polarization.
The function is derived in *Phys Rev B, vol. 50, 14, 10039-42 (1994)* and is given by
where the relaxation rate Γ(t) is
A=Pz(0) is the polarization at time zero, ν is the fluctuation rate (inverse correlation time), Δ is the distribution width of the local fields and ωL is the Larmor frequency (longitudinal field times muon gyromagnetic ratio).
Name | Default | Description |
A | 1.0 | Polarization at time zero |
Delta | 0.2 | Distribution width of local fields (MHz) |
Field | 50.0 | Longitudinal field (Gauss) |
Fluct | 0.2 | Hopping rate (inverse correlation time, MHz) |
Categories: FitFunctions | Muon\MuonSpecific