Table of Contents
The Indirect Tools interface contains useful tools that do not fit into the other interfaces.
The Transmission tab is used to calculate the sample transmission for a given sample on a given instrument configuration, this can then be used to determine the sample shape and dimensions prior to an experiment.
Currently this interface supports ISIS and SNS spectrometers.
The Load ILL tab is used to read data files generated by other facilities (i.e. not ISIS or SNS). At present the only supported instruments are the ILL Indirect Geometry spectrometers IN10, IN16 and IN13 (the latter is still a work in progress).
The LoadILL tab operates on either .asc (raw data) or .inx (S(Q,ω) reductions) files. To begin, start by selecting a relevant file using the file browser. The interface will attempt to choose the relevant instrument for you based on the file name. If the selected instrument currently being displayed is not the one you desire it can be changed from selecting it in the selection box. You may also select the relevant analyser and reflection to use.
Categories: Interfaces | Indirect